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Posts posted by HAPPYASALAMB

  1. i loved melee.

    brawl felt eh to me.

    i havent played since branespold beat me online.

    LAG :/

    recently it's been about anything street fighter for me

    3rd strike, HD remix.

    waiting for 4.

    yeah wii's online sucks.

    Street Fighter 4 is gonna be the shit! Hadoukens in 3d.... Epic :D

  2. Lost to JonT's DDD, which is a hard counterpick to Samus. Then I lost to Camaman's Falco, another hard counterpick. Brawl is about matchups, and most of Samus's are not in her favor.

    hmm then again you can choose btwn zero suit and regular samus. what did you pick for both?

  3. I know that if I post this here, I'm gonna get a lot of smart ass remarks and comments, but I really don't care at this point.

    I'm playing with the idea of asking a girl to hang out just as friends, maybe possibly more down the line. However, I don't want to feel like I'm coming on a little too strong.

    This is mainly the idea basically what I'm gonna ask her the next time I see her.

    "You want to hang out sometime and maybe get a cup of coffee or something?"

    Is this alright or am I coming on a little strong?

    Again, I know that there's gonna be a lot of smart ass comments and other trash like stuff coming, but at this point, I really don't give a damn.

    naw dude thats fine, but like asking her to dinner would be a little strong. at coffee its not really a date, its just hanging out and talking. so that would be fine IMO

  4. Update: I just noticed his first message that he sent me earlier today and it clearly states that he would be shipping them out today and to get back to him ASAP. Now he's lost them? Odd.

    gotten a higher bidder?

    still that seller's a jerkoff

  5. I hate when dudes wear a long sleeved t-shirt under a short sleeved t-shirt. It's like, do you think you're cool or something? Damn.

    its even worse when they wear a long sleeve, a shorter sleeve, than a short sleeve. mega wtf

  6. Motherfuck Ebay. Stupid cunts deleted every fucking listing I have up cause of some bullshit, and they didn't just take it down, they deleted every single one so now I have to remake all of them, not to mention the fact that they were all about to end tomorrow.

    yeah eBay is a bitch. i had a friend who won this auction and he payed and everything, next day they deleted the auction and he never got his item. he just payed the guy for nothing. im not even sure if he got the item or not

  7. SHIT dude i know what you mean. girls in my classes are mega fucking annoying when they say "like" every other word. Shit this one girl said like 11 times in 3 sentences.

    But all you do to make em stop is have your hands out like your counting and every time they say "like" you flip one finger, cept you do it in front of their face

    people who cant go one fucking paragraph w/o saying "like" 50 times. learn your fucking native language so you can better express yourself dumb cunt.

    female friends' hella insecure/jealous boyfriends. i cant even hang around when hes around without getting madddddddddd mean mugs and comments. chill the fuck out brosef, im not even attracted to her, stop flattering yourself and lemme be ya dick

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