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Posts posted by Flash

  1. Conners fanboy spotted in the wild 


    In other news ... think I'll be joining Duke in the unemployed club , not gonna stop me smiling , couldn't think of a better way to spend my days than with the little man ........ hated the bastards anyway 

  2. At the end of the day we all dress ourselves in the morning  .... or at least I hope so  ( and are able to )  so were going to gravitate to different things. The small discrepancy were focusing on here isn't enough to turn my interest of the brand off and after trying to branch out with the warehouse only further instilled my opinion that no one makes a better 40's repro than conners ( arcs would still add a lot to them though ) 

  3. I've no problem clashing 70's even early 80's  vintage and as we advance in time the limit where we would call something vintage would do the same , but i suppose this is subjective and everyone would be different 

    Carrying on the top block discussion , like I said a few posts ago I do think it's more that likely that some of the models have been exaggerated where they have I don't think it's by much ,were talking what 15 - 20mm at most ? In the more extreme cases ... discounting my 30's as this may just have been a case of bad patterning ? ( see .. I'm not opposed to faulting the the man himself :D ) 

    when it comes to comparing vintage cuts to the repros I think we really need to be using deadstock exames , a hard enough task to find good pics of ( believe me I tried ) 

    Here is the product pic of the San Francisco ww2 showing that the taper is no where near as extreme as my 30's 



    This pair of 47 501xx isn't far off 



  4. Not exactly , I didn't know very much about vintage Levi's at all until I got on here in 08/09 . I did buy quite a bit of vintage when I was younger , but it was mostly band tee shirts and old American work shirts , had a class gas station attendant one that had a name tag on it reading Earl ... loved it , my now wife hated it  , and get this ... the shop was called Mike Hunt 

    My cousin used to shop at a vintage shop here in Belfast called American Maddness in the early 90's buying old redlines and i always remember a really slim fitting orange tab pair ( pretty positive they weren't 606 but maybe they were ) , when I was  young I really looked up to her as the cool older cousin so i guess that's what planted the seed of my style but like i said all of my knowledge ( if you could even call it that ) has came in the last 10 or so years . The first thing that really got me interested in vintage Levi's after finding here was horriblyjollyjinx blog , he posted about finding a guy outside Harajuku station wearing a pair of s501xx and they looked marvellous,  super washed out but the guy just oozed cool , it grew from there and it's became a bit of an obsession 

    Suppose it's just different strokes for different folks , that's what's great about the large community we have here , there is always ( maybe almost always ) a space for you and your taste 

  5. Some people are into vintage and haven't got the means to buy it  .... that pretty much explains everything you asked 

    I'm one of those people , I love vintage and spend more time than I should looking through vintage blogs , ebay and wherever else . The best I can do as far as vintage is concerned is buy 50's - 70's Levi's mainly for my son so I settle for the best , most accurately reproduced jeans I can find and in my case that brand is conners 

  6. Agree , and if you ever find yourself in Belfast I'll be expecting a PM ;)


    My 30's were an extreme example I'd say ?? None of my other pairs have had any where near the amount of taper 

    I Completely agree with you that the above s501xx shape was the norm but not the only shape there was , so all I'm trying to say regarding the waist shape is that it isn't outside the realm of possibility that the pair Yoshiaki based his San Francisco model on had a more tapered hip . Whether or not he exaggerated that detail is unknown because the only pics I've seen of the vintage example is the back pockets and a few detail shots 

  7. They have been a few expensive mistakes I've made regarding conners but the second half 46 mistake was due to the 47 denim being so stubborn to give , my first half are sized the same and I consider them one of my better fitting pairs 

    While the hip shape is quite strange compared to other brands I think its often overexagerated . It was more apparent on my size 30 ww2 


    Took this pic a few weeks ago after I washed the ww2 ( 46 hasn't been worn since i last washed it , few repairs needed ) 

  8. We need more discussion on the forum , I've thought many a time if getting rid of rep would promote this very thing , I'd much prefer for someone to comment on a fit picture or whatever it is posted than just click a rep button 

  9. Is anything going to be perfect in the eyes of everyone ? As far as the improvements go I'm not sure what else he can do to improve the product . As far as the waist on the ww2 goes ?? I have no solid idea but I would think that there was good reason , like you mentioned the vintage pair could have been an odd patterned vintage pair ? Like you I have nothing more to go on other that assumptions . The one thing though that gives me hope that the fit is based on the vintage pair is that every other detail on the jeans has been reproduced , everything from the crooked v stitch to the extra stitching at the top of the pockets to the little flaw in the bottom corner . I see little point in doing all this but not looking at the fit with the same accuracy ?? Again just my thoughts .

    The sizing is accurate to vintage as well , I'm a 30 in almost all japanese brands but any vintage I've tried on in tokyo I was at least a 32 , this is another reason I think the fits may be correct ( maybe a little exaggerated but correct) ,almost bought a pair of 501zxx on my last trip but with the amount of indigo left in them and the ¥170000 price tag I decided against it . 

    I'd kill for a nice pair with arcs , actually asked if it was possible with my recent order ( told him they would not be posted online and everything ) but he was too worried about Levi's , he is a small brand after all and a lawsuit could well put him under ...... but at the same time Levin got away with it soo ..... why not ? 

    This may come across as defending the brand against criticism and I suppose I am to a certain degree but these are my thoughts and opinions and I've quite enjoyed the discussion . There is too much pic posting at times and not enough actual interaction 

  10. Like anything that gets a following it grows , but I understand where your coming from 


    The appeasing the japanese thing is obviously just my thoughts .... maybe he just likes red ?? :D

  11. I see all those other models as a way to appease japanese retailers that have a more radical style , threeface being one if not there biggest customer . You see how it is here every time there is a contest .... everyone wants to have the input in the soup , same with some retailers 

    Its definitely offputing , but the same way I ignore products from other brands I like I just do the same with conners 

  12. 13 minutes ago, Double 0 Soul said:

    Ive become a bit disheartened with CSF direction, story of my life..

    ..nowadays i'm floating in a sea of denim-indifference waiting for something else to come along and peak my interest..

    All the weird collabs and those threeface jeans are of no interest but imo there core models ( especially the 40's models ) are second to none 

  13. Best thing about it was Kenny dressed every day like he was going to work on a building site , the only time I ever seen him looking decent was at a cousins wedding . Good guy and a really hard worker,  came to Belfast in the early 80's ( bad time to come here ) got a job on the docks and ended up opening a load of Chinese restaurants 

  14. Too bling ? :biggrin: could never wear something like this , belonged to my father in law but now is my brother in laws ... we have it for safe keeping because the fella is an absolute idiot 



  15. First time I've worn a watch since the lockdown began 


    It's a nice watch I really should wear it more . Hopefully I'll finally make the decision to sell the Tudor 



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