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Posts posted by Dioxic

  1. I went to Mission San Jose High, are you familiar? If you are then you know I'm all about over achieving and getting that 4.0 haha. :rolleyes:

    *edit: If this goes down I'll probably end up biking there (cars in the shop)...It's only a 10 mile bike ride, but I don't know about drinking after if that's the case haha.

  2. You know, that same shirt i feel may be my favorite Flat Head shirt of all time. I've had mine for maybe 3 or 4 years and i've worn it so much the fabric actually feels thinner from so much wear on the elbows. The pattern has also completely disappeared in certain areas (as it's supposed to).

    I've asked FH to remake this shirt multiple times but with non-western pockets and the fabric minimum is dumb high making it near impossible for me to place a special order for it.

    I'm not sure how many other people would be on board, or if we could even get enough, but I'd definitely be willing to buy one if there was a remake. Particularly one with non western pockets..

  3. I'm down for a De Anza meet up too.

    I'm not old enough, but I might have a fake by then. The primary reason for it isn't for drinking though...I'm a musician and play at various clubs, but aren't old enough to play in certain ones. I've gotten gigs for at least 5 venues, but either wasn't allowed to play or had to wait till it was my turn, go straight in, and then leave immediately afterward. Shits whack.

  4. Thanks man, appreciate it. I'm going to school over at De Anza. I lived over in Fremont before, but I decided to go to CC to save my parents some dough and the one in Fremont was whack so I moved in out here with my uncle.

    Oh, by the way what size are you in TOJ? I might have a jacket for sale ;)

  5. Great evolution on those SExIH03's.

    However, how are we supposed to validate the history of these jeans, other than your word that you only wore them a "couple of days" and that you "didn't really wear them" in all the time you had the jeans?

    Sorry if I'm being a dick, but if you're going to participate in a contest you should at least provide the photos to document the state of the jeans on, or at least around, the start date. But I suppose that's not your fault given the laissez faire rules of this contest...

    hmmm....I see your point. I wrote the start date on my pocket bag and I have the two pairs I was wearing before this (I was in the Dry Bones contest and then I jumped to SExIH07BK's until this contest came up), but none of that is really much proof...

    In all honesty though they were really worn...three days? A week at most and back then I didn't even have a bike. There was next to no wear. I guess my proof can be how destroyed they'll be at the 1 year mark :rolleyes:

    Believe me or not, I'm just here to have fun and share my denim porn with other denim heads. If you think my pair is threatening wait till you see Klue's pair haha

    *edit: and now I'm off to school and then work. Jeans about to get a pretty serious rain soak.

  6. wow Dioxic that fading is ridiculous! Any washes? Also where and when did you cop that pair of SEXIH03's? I remember those back in 07 those coming up on 4 years old !!

    No washes, the only water they've seen is rain water (been raining a lot in SJ lately..) I copped them some months after they came out, but didn't really wear them because I wanted to finish some nudies (oh god) and then it was another pair of jeans and so on until this competition came up and I saw them sitting in the back of my closet. ;) I don't know why I didn't wear them before...the denim and cut are both amazing.

    They're easily the best pair of jeans I've ever tried on or owned. (I own SExIH07BKs and think 03s are superior) I'm hoping one of these days a reasonably unworn pair of the indigos or BK's will pop up so I can wear those as my next pair.

    To give you an idea of how much I bike:

    To and from school: 6.5 miles x5

    Work: 10 miles there and back x2-4 depending on the week

    Other crap: probably throw in another 10 miles here

    Total: Approx. 72.5 miles a week...

    Plus when I go climbing, hiking, whatever it is I'm always wearing my jeans.

    Keep it up guys! I like the fades, everything is looking real nice.

  7. SExIH03 started around the new year so a few months...

    Okay, so this is my first real update and for that I apologize. I got tired of waiting for my camera to be fixed (I'm beginning to suspect I should just get a new one) so I took iPhone shots. Hope they aren't too big. Enjoy.




    Crotch selvage..




    Home made belt + Flathead Card Case.


  8. Don't know any of you, but I just moved out to SJ and might be in the area! I'll keep a look out if I'm free to go! I'll be wearing SExIH03's with a brown TOJ bomber if I go...

    Edit: I read the date wrong, pretty sure I can go!

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