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Posts posted by Dioxic

  1. Whack...my partners outside the US so I can't send four loko or trees. It's chill though, I've got plenty of other dope stuff to go with.

    Male. 19. US

    Medium everything.

    30, 29 or 31 work too for tighter or looser.



    shoe size: 10.5

  2. Go man! We can do a mini sufu meet up. There's gonna be some pretty dope parties goin' on, great food, and when it's all said and done you can stop over at self edge and get yourself some jawnz. :D

    snuck into it the year radiohead played. you can also see a stage from the hillside in the park. rowdy freeloader crowd. protip.

    muni is a shitstorm on this, so be ready to hoof it. a lot of busses wouldnt even stop.

    Thanks for the heads up, I don't think it'll be an issue though cause I'm getting on at the end of the line.

    I have a friend who's gonna try and hop it this year, we'll see if he gets in. The trick is not to be the first one, but somewhere in the middle haha.

  3. We picked up Sachi, our 12 week old Shiba Inu pup today!





    I know this isn't that far up, but I'm quoting for cuteness.

    Easily the best thing I've seen in this thread. I've got a dog that's half Shiba and stafford and I love it to death.

  4. i really fuckin hope i get someone who plays guitar cause they're gonna get a fuck ton of hella tight shit

    w/e, if you dont play guitar you could always sell it off and buy some weed and a blunt with the money

    I kind of hope you get me. I'm crazy big into guitar + music haha, but sadly what are the odds?

    On another note...this is a legit question, but I don't know how to ax it without seeming kind of stupid. Has anybody legitly sent the green stuff through mail? I had a friend that used to do it by putting it in an air tight baggy and then putting it in the middle of a peanut butter jar. When he first told me 'bout it I couldn't stop laughing, but it worked for him on several occasions.

  5. ^

    Gotta work on guessing the sizing. That hasn't happened since my first pair...


    "My jeans" It's sort of a love hate relationship...

    Seriously though, this Rebecca Black shit has started an even shittier fad. The most ironic part is that she got to..number 30?...on itunes. Even though everyone buying it says the song sucks shit. The music industry sucks.

  6. I have been delaying my surgery for months.. summer time I suppose.\

    From somebody who's been there, done that, I'd just do it sooner rather than later. It'll suck for three days and then it'll just be swollen. That way you can enjoy your summer too hah.

    this usually isn't the case with firearms. most punch pins need to be tapped out with a mallet. i should have figured that since it's an ak it's meant to be hit with a hammer.

    Just curious, what do you guys do that requires you have an AK or other automatic weapons? Or is it purely recreational?

  7. Lol it won't be hard to find at all, trust me.

    Yeah Method, that was retarded..but what can you do?

    Some buddies of mine and I are going to rent a hotel, then just take muni probably. I thought there'd be a lot more people on here going to this....it is awhile away though so we'll see.

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