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Posts posted by Dioxic

  1. ohsnap, topman has a decent pair...http://us.topman.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?beginIndex=0&viewAllFlag=&catalogId=33059&storeId=13051&productId=2217436&langId=-1&sort_field=Relevance&categoryId=207489&parent_categoryId=207478&pageSize=20

    I've been itching for a slim fit M65, anybody know where to cop? The only one I know of is the Dior Homme one from a few years back, which is impossible to find anyways..

  2. ^

    I feel your pain. Shit happened to me just earlier this week.

    What I hate worse though? Getting my wisdom teeth removed. I've been slacking on it for a couple years and now that I finally did it my face is the size of a watermelon.

  3. Sounds good Beatle! I guess I better start hittin' the gym and eating tons of protein haha.

    August is actually perfect too because I'll be going to Outside Lands (Huge music festival in SF) So you guys can expect some good pictures and possibly video.

  4. I'd love to get in on this sometime down the road, but they might fit a little loose as I'm a 30-31 waist.../.

    Either way, congrats for the tour going this long!

    edit: After giving it some consideration, I'd be willing to give it a go...It might be a relaxed fit, but I think I could do it. If it's cool let me know!

  5. Yes! Couldn't make the last one, but I can do this one, no doubt.

    We should have a legit meet up this time. Not one with "Meet me at the mogo cart; I'll be wearing Edwins so that you have to stare at the ass of every dude who walks by to see if it's me, only then to address me by my username and have it be some other guy."

  6. Sorry, I thought it was a given I meant community. I guess there are those select few that could do it as a junior in high school though (my grandfather skipped two grades). Yeah, I mean, I believe I'm on track right now, first year and have a 3.8/4.0 with decent amount of units. It'd just be cool to hear from someone else that has done it.

  7. Yeah, I've seen two pairs and the colors varied pretty differently. I can't help but wonder if one of them were wrong about which DBs they had. Either way, thanks for clearing it up. I was going to cop that sweet burgundy pair you steered my toward, but I think I'm going with these.

  8. Sort of, I've seen two pairs in person and both people said they were from Davidz, but one was way light like in the pictures on their website and the other one was more like the Ronnie Fieg pictures on the other page? Are the fiegs supposed to be the davidz?

  9. Sorry, I should've been clear, I meant the Ronnie Fieg's posted by Sinj. I also forgot my sufu is setup to display more posts per page lol.

    Those supremes are going to be way over priced for what they are, but I'm sure we all knew that already.

  10. 18, almost 19 here! It's cool that we've got people of various ages and generations in the contest. I guess it just goes to show that denim is a timeless thing (as if we didn't know that already)..

    On a side note, It's been around a week since I dropped off my sexih03s at self edge. Can't wait for them to get back.. I think they've missed about 30 miles this week so far.

    Well, I guess that's why there's two years :rolleyes:

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