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into the rain

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Posts posted by into the rain

  1. i think i read harry potter into my 20s. how can you claim to have cultural IQ if you ignore pop-culture phenomena entirely? this would be like hating on a chick for listening to Kanye West.

    well that's your prerogative, and, admittedly, what i said was a bit strong. but it depends on the particular range in which you define "culture," i suppose. in other words, it depends on where you draw the line. while it's possible someone may just consider reading in general to be some "cultured" activity, it's also possible that someone may make the distinction between reading Proust and reading twilight. again, it's all preferential and im not trying to dispute that here. that would be just stupid. my only point was that girls i usually go for (for relationships) have similar background in such things as myself, and i was disappointed that the girl i mentioned earlier did not.

  2. superdenim creed:

    this is my denim

    there are many others like it, but this one is mine

    my denim is my best friend

    it is my life

    i must master it as i must master my life

    my denim, without me, is useless

    without my denim, im useless

  3. you would seriously pass up a chance to procreate because a girl doesn't read murakami?

    you ain't gonna last a generation bro – and darwin wants a word with you

    nah man dont get me wrong. id fuck a hot girl regardless of what she was reading. but when it comes to relationships i usually go for girls who meet both requirements. i guess not so much "intellect" but cultural iq? no self-respecting 20+ should be reading HP. and fuck murakami.

  4. sit next to cute girl

    she takes out a book

    think to myself shiettt cute and smart

    just my type!

    wifey material!!

    look at the cover

    harry potter and the chamber of secrets


  5. it sucks when you have to take a ill shit when you bring a girl to your place. my place doesnt have enough buffer zone between the bathroom and the bed, so it's pretty fucking awkward/embarrassing to drop a deuce once things get going. i mean, i can just yell out SWAG and just take a massive shit and not care about it... but i havent reached that level of swag.

  6. the sound of an ivy-league school rings better as a masters or doctorate. and UC Berkeley or UCLA both give a great starting point when looking into getting into that category of graduate students who get the east coast experience as well.

    i cannot stress this point enough. if you have any plan (either tentative or definite) to attend graduate/professional school, dont pay out your ass for an undergrad education. always go cheap.*

    *this does not always apply to undergrad business schools, engineering and other specialized fields. e.g., you should probably go to MIT/Cal Tech for engineering over Ball State University, even if the latter is cheaper; same for Wharton over people's business college.

  7. ^how is that? i cant really read baudrillard because of his inflated rhetoric (much like most french philosophers). i mean, the whole simulacra thing is interesting and all, but dude takes it too far.

    been reading this for the past couple of days. both for school and pleasure


  8. 1) in state tuition

    2) academic interests: for example, Cal shits on HYP's face in the sciences. the other Ivys arent even worth mentioning in this regard. and even in most other departments, Cal is pretty much top 3 or top 5. with the notable exception of Wharton, there really is no academically justifiable reason why someone from cali should choose an ivy school instead. i mean, what, you gonna go for Harvard's "prestigious" english program? get the fuck outta here

    3) transferring into Cal is much easier than transferring into most top ivys and top privates (duke, gtown, etc.)

  9. killing bin laden > royal wedding

    the US one ups the UK once again!

    and edit: god i didnt know i had so many retards as friends on facebook. making posts about conspiracies behind all this. ugh time to purge.

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