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into the rain

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Posts posted by into the rain

  1. tomorrow is my last day of college. feels fucking crazy. and my girlfriend will be back from studying abroad in Rome in 20 days. it's about fucking time.

    damn how are you done so early? i still have like 3 weeks left.

    edit: oh i guess like 2 if i dont count finals week.

  2. most humanities professors are bitter in general. 7-8 years of schooling to land a shit job in east bumblefuck, iowa, that is, if you are lucky to even get one. then all that backstabbing and gossipy shit in departments, trying to publish constantly and land tenure, all the while teaching ridiculous course loads filled with dumbass undergrads at the same time. id fuckin kill myself. you have to give them props.

  3. keira kneightly or whatever, is all about her makeup and shit. i think if you saw girl on the street not all made up and hollywood you'd be like "pretty girl, big ass jaw tho"

    if only she had a fat neck to go with it. amirite.

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