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Mr HaGa

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Posts posted by Mr HaGa

  1. These are mine at almost 1 month. Evo is kind of pathetic compared to Klue's I guess, even though I wear them every day riding bike, walking, working...

    The pocket stitching broke a few days ago... 100% cotton... These are going to require a lot of repairs.


  2. ^Most of us are only a couple weeks into the contest. I think yours and maybe pwing's are the only pairs that warrant pics already...

    And don't feel bad about posting those pics. Your jeans are different to say the least. To some they're interesting, to others they're ugly and sacrilegious. But I think by now we've heard every opinion possible, so let's move on.

  3. Easy with the namecalling, pal. No need to get huffy, its just a denim forum.

    Anyway, you wouldnt beleive the stuff kids are doing on the internet. They love it! If your curious to find out more, try this site "www.google.com" and search for "kids having fun".

    It's surprising how much stuff is out there!:)

    Yeah, you sound like you probably are an old fart at 32. Thats ok. At least you have money to buy nice things!

    Quit shitting up the thread, pal. 10+ pages of people bitching on some painted jeans is enough already to shit this thread up, but at least is was about the jeans. Stop posting weak irrelevant shit like this.

  4. Fuck it. I'll whore some too. Though mine aren't quite as far along as Poly's.

    710bk, 6 months old, stopped wearing them a couple weeks ago because of the FC contest, but I miss them and probably revisit them from time to time...




  5. Thinking of picking up either Sugarcane 66 OR Eternal 811 when I visit NYC and BiG next month. I've seen plenty of 811s, but not SC66. Anyone have these and care to share some fit pics? Is this a new cut from SC? If yes, is it new denim or are is it denim they've used before on other cuts? Looks like it could be the same as the 47... any insight would be appreciated...

  6. I'm double cuffing as well. I'll be in NYC in about a month so I might get them chainstitched then, or maybe not. I like the double cuff.

    I've only been wearing these for about 4 days, and they are completely soft. None of the stiffness I'm so used to whatsoever. Probably because of the initial hotwash instead of a soak. It's going to take a long time for any creases to set on these, so I doubt I'll get any high contrast fading... rather a general vintage faded look...

  7. Man, they shrank. Waist went from 38 to 34.5, inseam from 40 to 36.

    They're almost dry but I took some quick shots. I'm really happy with them, and really happy that I got them in my true size. The only minor issues I have is the lack of backpocketlining, and the placement of the backpockets, a little far apart. Might just be me, or maybe I should reconsider doing the arcs to distract from that. And I guess they could have used a little nice material for the pocketbags. But fuck it, these are amazing jeans, I'm going to enjoy them. Now postwash fit pics...


    Note the leg twist!



    I trying to capture the green selvage with legtwist here. I'm not much of a photographer...


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