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Posts posted by Mewtu

  1. for some reason my first thread got deleted. anyway

    I bought these a few months ago, I've worn them maybe 5 or 6 times, I am broke now and need cash so regrettably I have to put this up for sale. Condition is 8.5/10, other than some slight wear on the soles as seen below they are perfect


    picture1ghx.png (wear on other sole is the same, can take a pic if needed)

    I paid $300, and I have put some wear on the soles, plus combined with what they came with so I am asking what I paid for, minus what it will cost to take them to a cobbler if you wish to go that route:

    250$ (275$ intl)

  2. contact lenses... lost my glasses, got a week of these fuckers before my new frames come in. I'm seriously retarded at putting them in it takes me like 10 minutes each.

    edit: lol I know someone who works at that gym...

  3. i love apple, but ipad is retarded on a whole new level...basically a big iTouch.. i already see the fanboys talking about how great it is..


    just as i typed that i got an email from apple insider talking about the iPad..

    I actually have yet to see anyone have a positive review of it, even the fanboys (and I am an apple fanboy, thing looks whack..)

  4. im vaping right now :). first NYC pick up, luckily my roommate sells weed and a friend of his I met does too, so his bud picked up today and got me a slice of dank kush, will have pics up tomorrow. 1 blunt and I was faded as hell.. then continued 2 vape :)

  5. going back to college after a semester break, was going to get a half ounce of headies to take back with me, but the guy fell through and all I could end up getting at last minute was 10 grams of mid grade indo :(. Could've gotten dank AK tomorrow but my dad wanted to leave tomorrow instead of saturday for some reason. On the plus side, I bought a nice sharpstone today, and got a bottle of jager and rum to take back (I'm not 21 lol)

  6. people smoking quarters do you just burn throughout the whole day repeatedly? or are you loading really fat bowls at night with lots more heads?

    I feel like an 8th is enough for one person for 1-2 weeks if you're alright with being more economical

    an eighth would last me 1-2 nights if smoking with friends, 3-5 if smoking alone which is rare

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