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Posts posted by Mewtu

  1. Cool Pleasure Principle Tee Shirt Size L (fits 46-48). The color is light gray, it's currently sold out at Seven New York. Bought this a week ago impulsively, but realized I needed cash because I'm poor. Never wore it besides trying it on. Paid $100, looking to get back 80$ shipped US.

    Here are my shitty cellphone pictures pictures:



    and the Seven New York link, so you can actually see what it says, although it looks pretty bad on their model:

    spiders on drugs

    Just realized that its hard to read it on the Seven site too.

    The text is as follows:

    Under the top, left web: "Typical hashish-inspired net."

    Under the top, right web: "Net after about 0.04 mcg. LSD."

    Under the bottom, left web: "Net after a high caffeine dose."

    Under the bottom, right web: "Net after mescaline sulfate dose."

  2. I usually smoke spliffs all day - usually smoke 3-4 spliffs to myself a day. I'm also into moke snaps, which is a bong load (usually 1 hit) of 1/2 tobacco, 1/2 weed. they're pretty fuckin awful in almost every way, but i love em.

    I just realized I almost never smoke weed without tobacco. What happened to me?! I used to be such a purist, would never dream of "tainting" my weed with tobacco!

    word. I'm poor right now but I could do it in abit.

  3. theres a lot of bad weed in vermont. theres alot of really good weed too if you know where to look.

    and no theres no decriminalization laws, but the cops (at least in my area) are very lax with it, they'll just take whatever you have on you and your pipe and let you go as long as its like a quarter or less. whereas here in NYC my friend got arrested for a dime bag.

  4. ontopic: met some girls who go to my school at a gallery opening last night, were gonna go back to their dorm and get smoked up but my friend is barred from campus so they wouldn't let us in :(

    and my dealer (read: my roommate) is dry, and will be til next week :( :(

  5. Ma·ri·jua·na 03-04-10 04:33 PM Dchill yeah I don't think you know what you're talkin' about.

    aw butthurt guy counter-negs me cuz i negged him for raving about some dumb fit in some other thread.

    no shit I didn't know exactly what I was talking about, thats why I used words like PERHAPS and NOT SURE

  6. It seems a lot more plausible to me that he's got problems with the smoke more than the grass. Some people are very, very highly respiratory sensitive.

    I bet if he ate it or vaped it wouldn't be an issue, unless its psychological and being under the influence is his problem.

    hmmm, good point. perhaps its the smoke itself rather than the actual THC.

    is it possible that he just doesnt want to succumb to peer pressure and is using allergies as an excuse?

    not sure if you're talking to me or the other dude but I believe him entirely (keeping in mind the first part of this post; maybe it is just the smoke I'm not sure didn't get that much detail from him), this kid is mad fucked up healthwise.

  7. for video games, it's a performance enhancing drug.

    true that. some of the best times I had back home (VT, boring as shit) was getting stoned and playing SSBB with friends, 1v1s. we got mad competitive at that shit. I'd say that most video games I'm better at stoned. On the other hand, things like skateboarding I can't do for shit. Never snowboarded high but I think because I'm a lot better at that than skating I could probably be just as good and it sounds mad fun.

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