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Posts posted by Mewtu

  1. I don't even remember my first time buying

    anyway. just got my first paycheck from my new job, going to hopefully be picking up a quarter of strawberry cough later today.

    had to get out of bed and go to the local highschool unshowered to pick my sister up sick, was awful.

  2. was burn turning with a buddy today and ended up at a gas station to get arizonas, he saw a mutual friend who asked him if we wanted any hash, so naturally we said yes, the guy came back to the car and smoked a bowl of weed with hash on top with us, and we peaced.

  3. the authorities following me through my neighborhood. This car was in front of me, then it pulled over, got behind me, and followed me through like 3 turns before I lost it. Get the fuck outta my neighborhood!

  4. there is still PLENTY of THC left in vaporized bud. Let me make this simple: think of a vaporizer. The heat is passed through the herb which heats the herb to the point of volatilization which causes the THC to be released in vapor form. This is what you inhale.

    HOWEVER, not all THC is released in this vapor cloud. A lot of it just passes on to different parts of the bud. EVEN THOUGH THE VAPORIZED BUD DOES NOT LOOK APPETIZING, IT STILL CONTAINS THC!!

    it tastes like shit but still potent. I wouild personally use it for cooking purposes.

    365-375 is the recommended temperatures to vaporize. It is ideal for a medium-dense vapor cloud while not expending the bud so quickly.

    I worked for one of the top vaporizer companies for over a year...i know whast up

    stem has THC in it to but I'm not going to smoke that; I'll cook like it just like I will with this stuff.

    Tonight was looking for weed, friend got a call at like 11 from one of his hookups, she usually either sells him weight of outdoor or small quantities of headies but tonight she had "hydro." I'm always really skeptical with "hydro" around here because it normally is just mid grade outdoor.

    but when we got this shit it looked like indoor but didn't even smell like weed. It literally smelled nothing like anything similar to the smell of marijuana. Hard to convey in words how it smelled but It was the strangest thing and being a skeptic I was thinking we might've got ripped off. anyway we tried a few bowls and it burned, tasted, and smelled like weed, and I'm pretty faded. so word.

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