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Posts posted by ColdsnapBryan

  1. Like Francis told me, having a military buzz can get expensive to maintain; haircut every two weeks, three weeks at max.

    I really like it though, its cool for the summer, I don't have to make time in the morning to style my hair, and it plays well with many style types.

    A cop told me today that I looked like an AWOL kid from the local military academy with my haircut, earrings, and tattoos. I'm taking this as a compliment.

  2. You wouldn't happen to live in Baltimore, would you?

    nope, but I have been to that MLK road in Baltimore; I remember that one being close to the freeway so it wasn't as sketch. I live in Florida and the MLK a few blocks down from where I live is like a different world. I wouldn't want to hang around there for more than a few minutes.

    I might move up to Baltimore around there though, my living situation in Florida isn't so great (I'm living with an ex girlfriend I just broke up with) & my best friend lives up around there.

  3. this was posted in the NDG 09 thread and I think It deserves to be in here also. The hitlerjugend haircut can be striking in some cases but most it just doesn't work.

    Ok wow. I'm not sure this collection should be seen as a ringing endorsement of the third reich. I can easily see this as well (the overall military theme) but I think a lot of this can be attributed to the fact that we are looking at a group of very European, very idealized models.

    Try picturing some of these looks on people you actually know from your everyday life: it goes from Aryan youth to chubby cub scout and from Nazi aviator to someone with expensive clothes but less impressive cheekbones.

    It's just a fact that a majority of high fashion runway shows and photo shoots are looking for the type of body, face and skin tone that gave Hitler a serious boner. While out in the real world you can run into people of all ages, size and color with amazing style.

  4. Which brings me to this question:

    How does everyone feel about forking out hundreds and thousands of dollars on fashion when the cost of production is a small fraction of the retail price?

    I think its crap, although I simply don't have the money to support these brands so I really don't have a choice. If you have the money though to buy brands like that then go for it if you like it

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