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Posts posted by ColdsnapBryan

  1. sorta random but has anyone taken a Flip Video Ultra Camcorder to a hardcore show? I hate fans recording at shows or taking cell phone pics but I'm driving almost 2,000 miles to catch a new years eve show and I'd like to capture one song for memories.

  2. If anyone happens to be in the Soho store and sees the Matte Down Jacket (not the shiny one and not the fur hood one) Dark Green XS throw me a PM when they get home. I've been calling them every other day trying to get this for winter. Thanks

  3. I marathon'ed STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl this weekend and wow that game is immersive! I got really into the Chernobly Disaster and running around in Red Forest or near the reactor was super eerie.

  4. I received these last week from member jimmylimousine and what he forgot to mention was that they have a 3" hem on the length (measuring compared to my 27 indigo pair). The hem is short but I'm over 6 foot and that just doesn't work out for me. Hes lucky he lives outside of the states, hes not replying to my emails and paypal won't help me on this so I'm re posting them for sale. They have been worn once and I'm taking a loss on my asking price: $85 shipped within USA. PM me and I will get pictures to you. Thanks.

  5. Do not do transactions with user jimmylimousine. He sold me a pair of Black APC NS that were tailored for a midget and didn't make any indication to the alteration on the for sale post or through working out the deal in PMs. He also refuses to reply to my PMs or my emails.

  6. I can think of myself as "fallen out of the hardcore scene". I still listen to bands new releases and go to shows but I don't get into bands like I use to. I've thought about this much, you may not agree, but I think Blacklisted - Heavier Than Heaven, Lonelier Than God has been the heaviest hardcore CD released since Humanity is the Devil. That cd has been my favorite release in at least 2 years.

  7. I have invites to HDbits, what.cd, demonoid, and x264. I will give these away and if you want to give in return I'm looking for a better movie torrent site; i can never find old horror movies on those listed.

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