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Posts posted by b.e-n

  1. if it's something amazing, yeah it does change something. i believe apple will be releasing shit beginning june right? i looked around a bit on macrumors.com on the buyers guide part and they say it's approaching the end of a cycle so yeah. thanks for the info

  2. Papaya tastes pretty good when high. For dried fruit i'm now hooked on mangosteen.

    mangosteen is the best fruit i've ever tasted, when i've visited thailand that's all i ate. do you know a place where i can get mangosteen in the nyc area?

  3. in the end it really doesn't matter, the real point is just to get high and enjoy. would do anything to be on a beach smoking a blunt, we should all go to the caribbean or something, and bring a pound of gdp.

  4. i heard somewhere that holding in the smoke is a bunch of bullshit, a normal hit will absorb most of the thc and it's useless and unhealthy to hold it longer. i don't do it unless i'm indoors or in a bathroom or something and will have to keep it in my lungs forever so no smoke comes out of my mouth so that it doesn't smell and shit. but i think i agree with the person above.

    i love watching entourage high, i usually don't hear anything because the noise of the chips crunching will interfere with the show.

  5. First time stories?

    Mine was 2 years ago, in a gated apartment sort of community in nyc. we held the gate after a woman went in and climbed up the stairs to find the door to the roof was locked. so we smoked in the staircase. It was raining, and i only took like 2 or 3 hits. Was with the son of someone pretty famous, can't say who. i remember the weed, it was crap and i bought it when i had no other solutions. fast forward to this week end, at a party i see the same exact bud, and i ask the girl who had it, "is this xxxxx's weed?" and she said yeah. i can't believe how disgusting it looked.

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