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Posts posted by b.e-n

  1. just picked up 3 dubs of piff for 50, gotta love tax returns

    anyone seen that DEA show? so much money and drugs!

    yeah on a&e? i watched one episode, the one with the crystal meth where they seize like 16,000 bucks of it or something. or 100,000. i dont know. the ones with the limes or something

  2. i just washed my nc's yesterday and some ice cream dripped on them today. should i wash again? they're around 5 months, might take some pictures soon

  3. ^the fat will probably absorb the thc more, from what i've heard, so yes, if i'm correct, you'll be fucking high

    edit: someone get me some cookies for this week end in nyc. thanks. or bud for that matter, i'm dry as fuck

  4. holy fuck that is nice. i tried to make one out of a petit lu box but was too lazy to roll 3 joints and just hit the bong. and then it broke anyways. i will have to make use of the hash my friend brought me from belgium, somehow. i just hate spliffs...

  5. I fail at quitting, i started smoking again since i stopped smoking for two months. it's sort of a celebration type of thing, but it never works because the cravings come back harder than ever. it's too hard not to smoke when the weather's beautiful, and when it's spring. It would be so much easier if i lived in belgium or something. no but seriously i'll stop now.

  6. ^that happened on my friend's mbp except with the "m". he lived with it for like 4 months and then when he came to ny, he brought it to the apple store and they did it free of charge.

  7. ^that's for the dumbass that drinks it everyday, and the juice he drinks is probably really concentrated. i'm just looking for a few that i can eat normally. thanks though, for keeping an eye out.

    i've been dry for quite a while now, i don't have anymore hook ups (partly because my phone fucked up) and i got a friend from france coming in 2 weeks, expecting us to get high properly and not with some brick weed. someone help!

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