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Posts posted by marineabilly

  1. Thanks Gentlemen! From two true craftsmen, I take it as a compliment.

    I'm reluctant to post these photos as it's as far as I'm going with this wallet. Based on my many lessons learned with it and my first wallet, it's going in the trash (might use it for scrap leather) and I hope to start making them at your guys' caliber sooner than later. I was going to get fancy with more studding on the inner button flaps, but will do that on the next wallet...this week. It still needs more stitching and finished edges. I'm learning from scratch...and the hard way, so hopefully I don't have to scrap too many wallets.

    Now to learn how to stitch...

    This is so addictive!!


  2. I just finished another wallet I worked on all weekend and the last piece was the chain loop attachment. Well, this one didn't come with a traditional screw back...it's the kind where the screw looking end is meant to be hammered in, which isn't as easy as it sounds...can't hold the ball end while trying to hammer the "screw end." Turns out I scratched the hell out of it by using various tools and approaches. Its now very loose and very disappointing. I still have a little stitching to go and just feel like scrapping this project.

    One more good whack of a mallet would could probably do it, but I'm affraid it'll brake. Anyone have any experience with this piece of hardware?

    Thanks in advance!

  3. Using some scrap leather and inspiration from folks like Corter, Hollows and OGL, I thought I'd craft a wallet this weekend. This is my very first time crafting one and I now have a new found respect for the those who do this on the side/full time. My fingers hurt!!

    This'll be my "daily driver" until my fingers heal and I decide to put another one together.






  4. Here's some pictures of the 1878s. I soaked them two days ago and wore them to dry, then wore them to work today to loosen them up a little.

    They acted pretty much like a typical pre-Cone LVC during the soak- they shrank hardly at all, bled more indigo than Cone models, and the buckle bent and almost broke the first time I fastened it.



    Finally...a true fit pic. Other online pics are so detracting. This makes me want to buy a pair. Thanks for posting! Must Spread.

  5. Killer boots and sweater...is that a vintage knit? :D

    Thanks Matt. Yes, it's a vintage knit by Jack Frost. I picked it up at Viva a couple of years back. Bud and John said I'd be crazy to pass it up. There's a receipt in the right chest pocket dated July 12, 1946. Here's a better shot of the front:


  6. Left San Diego at 5:00 PM enroute to the SELA party and after driving only 20 miles in an hour, it was apparent that the mission was a bust. Got off at Beach Citites, had Mexican for dinner and headed back south.

    Schools out for summer, so I blame the unbearable traffic on that.

  7. marineabilly posted some info (I've quoted it below) a while back. I don't think I'd pay retail ($250) for these, but they show up on ebay for 100-150 from time to time and that is a good price. I've got both the black and the tobacco versions of these. Looking back I probably should have just ordered a pair of Wesco's but they are a lot more money.

    Holy smokes! Those boots look like a hot mess in that pic. I've buckled the top straps and believe me when I say this picture doesn't do these boots justice.

    smittybat, I've been contemplating the black ones...you got pics?


  8. Did anyone else notice that Bradley Cooper was wearing what appeared to be a Mister Freedom Midnight Breezer jacket on The Hangover Part II (airport scene)? It had the same square collar and red plaid lining, but the scene was backlit, so it was hard to tell for sure.

  9. My buckles aren't rusted, they appear to be covered in the overspray/flow from the below process (taken directly from the MF site):

    * Exclusive leather treatment and coloring process. Hides are not dip-dyed but “painted”. Flesh side is natural, skin side treated with 3 colours coating.

    I've actually been planning on hitting up the buckles with the fine steel wool or Brasso I used on my silver BBQ grill a couple of weeks back. Will post pics of the buckles after that treatment.

    My boots haven't been treated by anything. That's the color they were when I purchased them and I don't plan on treating them for a long while, if at all. The camera flash may have something to do with them looking like they were greased up.

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