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Posts posted by Vampyrvargfesten

  1. http://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2013/sep/08/peter-saville-uks-famous-graphic-designer


    He should have ascended with ease to the role of the grand old – or at least middle-aged – man of British graphic design. His early designs have worked their way into the fabric of British life – in 2010, the cover of Power, Corruption and Lies made its way on to a first-class stamp. But he seems surprisingly equivocal about their iconic status, concerned that they have become divorced from their original meaning, from "the authenticity" of Factory: "You see them used to sell Airmiles or text message minutes." He mentions "the total car crash catalogue of disasters" that was Disney's attempt to market a T-shirt with Joy Division's Unknown Pleasures cover turned into Mickey Mouse's head. He shows me a T-shirt featuring the same image, with the slogan: "WHAT IS THIS? I SAW IT ON TUMBLR." "It's brilliant, isn't it?" he says, smiling. "Profoundly clever."


    saw this tee on a dude irl

  2. i appreciate miranda's healthy lifestyle tips


    her blended drink sounds pretty tasty, though i've read that raw maca powder is not good for you (?)

    coconut milk + coconut water + acai powder + goji berries + spirulina + raw cacao powder + maca powder + cia seeds + rice protein




  3. how do you vibram shoes? do most cobblers do it?


    every cobbler can do this.  it's just slapping on a thin layer of rubber on the bottom (usually vibram brand) which prolongs the life of the shoe.  even if a shoe isn't welted, a cobbler basically just glues this on top of the leather sole (in lieu of a complete resole)

  4. The asian guy trying to act all baller throughout the entire set. Could probably cross-posted into Punchable Faces.




    i believe branespload was at this lol


    in my opinion, the only respectable boiler room shows are in london

  5. this is a discussion thread


    please don't use it for trading


    PM me if you think a SUPREME community swap meet thread in supermarket would be something you guys would use - maybe we could put something together


    a general supreme community thread all lumped together would be potentially chaotic.  perhaps organize by "NEW SUPREME STUFF" (current season) vs. "OLD SUPREME GEAR" 


    at least that's how i would imagine people look for certain stuff anyway

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