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Posts posted by cinderella

  1. Hm I had a link in the original dispute text, I hope they read that because I can't copy paste on my iPhone

    you dont have the receipts or copies saved somewhere? I would contact paypal with a counterclaim and include them again. If you have proof you shipped them then you should have a perfectly decent case to get the money back

  2. i am cleaning out all the useless crap in my room which has accumulated over 18 years of living in the same house, and REDECORATING!! currently it is pink and awful because I painted it when I was in grade 7.



    it looks like a 5 year old lives here...

  3. I was fairly premature when I was a baby, one one night when I was about 2 months old I was "acting funny" according to my mom, so at about 3am she and my dad decided to take me to the hospital. On the way there, a car ran a red light and almost hit them, but they were fine. My mom went in with me and my dad went to park the car. A nurse came by and started talking to my mom about forms and stuff, and then bent down to smile at me, and started FREAKING OUT. She grabbed me out of my carrier and ran away down the hall yelling for oxygen and heat lamps and all that shit because my lung had collapsed in the car ride over to the hospital and I had started to choke and turn blue... my dad came in from the parking lot and found my mom holding an empty baby carrier lying on the floor crying. eek!

    I was totally fine though, and I have a huuuuuuuuuuge scar on my side from the operation I had. CHEATED DEATH AT 2 MONTHS OLD.

  4. im mostly curious because the blacks by my house does a good job, and is usually pretty quick, so does it actually take THAT much longer to develop 2 large pictures instead of 489303 small ones? I dont really understand how it works in a professional place like that but dont they just use printers these days? :/

    thanks for the suggestions!!

  5. hello! my brother is competing in the ontario skills competition on tuesday and he needs to make prints of his photographs sized 12x18 inches. He went to send them to blacks but the notice said they would be ready in 15 days. wtf.

    is this true? if so, where else could he have them developed?

  6. i HATE CIGARETTES and would probably not put up with them, but I dont care about occasional weed smokng. I just wouldnt want to date someone whose life revolved around weed and who had posters like this on their wall


    cigs just smell awful/taste bad/cause disgusting phlegm

  7. was smoking such an issue that she would rather not be with you than be with you and deal with it? because if that was the main dealbreaker then something else must have been wrong.

  8. dunno, just seems to me that if there's such a risk of it happening again maybe that tells you something. I mean, if its an actual risk, then the good must outweigh the bad?

    If you really wanna stay friends, make sure to give yourselves some time apart just so the habitual attraction can fade a little...

  9. when I imagine what certain posters look like, I always think of their DP, so when I imagine profmonitoff for example, I picture a dog typing on the computer.

    its funnier than it sounds

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