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Posts posted by cinderella

  1. today SUCKED ASS :( I was driving home from a friend's house, and I spotted a miniature doberman wandering along the sidewalk close the the busy road. I pulled over and tried calling it but it ignored me so I went home and dropped off my OWN dog and then went back with a leash and a baggie of turkey bits to try and lure it into my car. It kept barking at me and freaking out so I didn't try to get any closer but then some lady came along on her bike and the dog freaked out and just ran right into traffic and got hit by an suv!!! the bitch driving the car rolled her window down and yelled at me that "my dog" should be on a leash and what was I doing, and i was just standing there with this little bag of turkey, and my hand on my mouth, totally shocked. the dog got up and started running down the road and managed to avoid getting hit again even though it was rush hour, and he ran away into the hydro field by my house. I spent over an hour looking for him under bushes and asking ppl if they'd seen him but no one had. I feel so awful for this dumb little dog. it was wearing a burberry dog polo and it had no clue about traffic, so I dont think it gets out much, and now Im worried its going to die alone outside or get eaten by raccoons or something. WHYYYYY did it have to run away so fast! :'(

    i have been bummed out about this dog FOR HOURS NOW. Im going to drive around looking for him tomorrow on the off chance he is still walking around and no one else has picked him up

  2. i just bought the cuuutest bathing suit everrrrrr froom h&m and now i want my cottage's lake to fucking hurry up and be warm so I can go swim in it. Shit stays icy until july, i swear.

  3. those commercials make me love canada even more

    are there a high rate of job-related deaths in canada or something?

    the government pays for all your hospital bills if you DO have a workplace accident, so they want to scare the shit out of people so that they're more careful and therefore require less $$$$ spent on hospital bills

  4. I filled in some holes in my wall before i painted it and THEY WONT GO AWAY :( the texture is differeent so it shows up in certain types of light... I tried sanding it but now there is just a bigger patch of texture. hate painting :(

    in better news, the colour looks AMAZING

    worse news, the woodwork colour is too similar to the walls so it looks stupid. hoping a second coat will help... i REALLY dont want to go buy more paint

  5. when i read shit like that i imagine some obese woman in the midwest carefully tending to her rat babies, breathing in that heavy way that fat people do when theyre concentrating

  6. dancing to that right now :D I was at a party where that was playing, and alllll the ultra-corns were doing this co-ordinated pelvic thrust to that song, and their tiny AA dresses were riding up wayyyy high and exposing their underwear, but they were all too drunk to notice. I lolled.

  7. the girl i've ben smashing told me she missed taking her birth control pill 1 day last week. i did some brainsearch and realized that was the only day that i creampied


    let me explain to you how birth control pills work: they fool your body into thinking its already pregnant, so it doesn't release an egg. If you miss one day it doesn't matter, it only matters if you miss enough that your body restarts its cycle, and possibly produces an egg.

    tl;dr, the egg is either there or it isnt, so missing 1 pill doesn't matter. The worry is missing enough that your cycle ends.

    long answer I know, but a lot of guys dont understand this stuff and freak out about it.

  8. dont keep them, whatever you do. Theyre wild rats, so they'll be fucking nasty when they grow up.

    I took someone's gerbils in once because i didnt want them to be fed to a python and now i am stuck with two fatass old gerbils who make lots of noise and hide all day. shit sucks man.

  9. i am cleaning out my room and i found a huge pile of journals and sketchbooks which i used in elemrnatry/early middle school. HOLY SHIT, i was such a loser :( looking at this nonsense is making me cringe at my adolescent awkwardness. I want to go back in time and give myself a hug and a few fashion tips..

  10. also, i want in on this dinner thing. i got some foie, some duckbreastases and other random assorted goodies in this fridge and I have no clue what to do with them.

    how did you come to have foie in your fridge without any idea what to do with it?

    you should sear it. I have always wanted to try that...

    fry then roast the duck with a fruit sauce. there are recipes on mah blog :o

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