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Posts posted by cinderella

  1. I am making a fucking huge thanksgiving dinner this weekend in my "college kitchen". Its a pretty decent kitchen though so I guess it isnt as impressive as making risotto on a hot plate.

    2 turkeys lol, our fridge looks like a tetris game right now, food all stuffed in there like crazy.

  2. OK, first ever entry...

    after my quail/beet disaster last time I decided to not over think anything, and when I was thinking about ceviche I started to think about the "no-cook" idea...I don't really like ceviche but I like the thought of not messing with the salmon much, so, I made gravlax.


    Salt-cured salmon on organic rye toast round, dill and lemon zest garnish, peppercorns and fleur de sel with mustard dill sauce.


    This shit was DELICIOUS. It looked sort of gnarly when I first rinsed off all teh salt and dill but when I started slicing it looked completely different. I want to say juicy but that sounds sort of gross. Luscious? Anyway, I have a pound of it in my fridge so I will be getting very sick of it soon I'm sure.


    ps. step-by-step is here: :D

  3. the puree looks better than the salmon... (the salmon looks delicious, this isnt me being rude, haha, the puree just looks TASTY.)

    Have you ever tried the whole sous-vide thing? you could try a poor man's version in a plastic bag with some olive oil. I've never done it but I have a family friend who makes these amazing 'confit' potatoes that way

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