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Posts posted by cinderella

  1. Hi guys! Skiniks & I will be motoring down to your fine city in January (21 - 25) and we need a parking spot!! Garages i've looked into are toooo expensive, craigslist isnt really producing anything and I dont trust myself parking on the street, the car will be towed FOR SURE.

    So, do any of you a. have a parking spot to rent us ($50~ for 4 nights), b. know someone who does, or c. can recommend a cheapish garage/not totally confusing parking spot?

    Thanks in advance!!!!!!

  2. i bit the bullet and bought some makeup online from a company run by this chick whose blog ive been reading for like, 5 years. It was fairly expensive but i figured it was the norm with indie companies/wanted to support her etc, but now I am finding evidence all over the internet that this chick is a. crazy b. dishonest, repackaging basic mineral shadows as her own and c. a huge betch


  3. chopped it all off 2 weeks ago!!!

    not cum stain lol, i took the letter out of its nice plastic folder and immediately put it down into a puddle of water on my counter, hahahah. so sloppy :/

  4. today I received my lovely package from ondisplay!


    delightful letter on abercrombie ad

    there was a TON OF STUFF, so I have categorized the items in the following way:






    dog related


    CWG supplies



    I was also sent the "best paper plane ever" so I decided to test it out...


  5. I cut my hair pretty short this week...shorter than I've ever had it before, and while I like it I dont really know how to style it properly so that it looks "cool" instead of "creepy zero-social skills humanities nerd who thinks anime characters are sexy"

    there is a fine line between the two, my friends

  6. yeah i made sure snacks of ALL KINDS were nicely taken care of...

    julz i think that if you make poutine it will be esp delicious because dont you live in a state known for its delicious cheese curds?

    cheese curds are key.

    ps the dude at the post office was laughing so hard at all the hearts on my box, rolling his eyes etc. CLEARLY JEALOUS.

  7. I'm going to be gaga this year, one of MANY I'm sure but I'm just going to pile as much insane shit on as I possibly can - huuuuge tulle bow, no pants, weird makeup, teacup, funny shades, hooker shoes....

    I hate my wig though, wish I had bought a better one on ebay instead of the crap from the halloween store :(

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