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Posts posted by grouse_allergy

  1. Mine fit fine in the waist pre-soak, and they fit fine in the waist post-soak, too. I doubt you'll have much trouble fitting in them after a soak, since they do stretch quite easily. And the fact that they already fit your waist pre-soak is a good thing, since they won't get too baggy with wear. I soaked mine in the tub initially and wore them around while still wet. I've also washed them in the machine on hot and they were fine then, too. They're a pretty malleable pair of jeans, so if you like them I'd say soak em. Post fit pics afterward if you do.

  2. Strike Gold's fade fast!!! I spilled slurpee on my jeans, and now I have to soak them!!! Shit!!!

    I spill soda and beer on my jeans all the time and I don't soak em. It's better than spilling 40-45 gallons of water on them. hehe.

  3. I just bought a pair of red wing gt's (moc toe) and am a little iffy of the size I got.

    Initially I bought the non-moc toe version, which the store had to order, in size 10.5. I bought them then walked around the city and in a matter of 5-10 minutes, what started out as normal, run-of-the-mill tightness turned into my not being able to walk and having my left foot start to fall asleep. So I went back to the store and exchanged them for the moc toe version in a half size up of 11. After that I was at least able to walk home without looking like a crippled mess. However, there is some looseness in the heel area, which is giving me blisters. I know that's not a good thing, but I'm thinking once I get some insoles it will be a better fit.

    Can someone tell me if I made the right decision switching to the 11's? I know you're supposed to size down for red wings, which I'm still doing, but only by a half size and not a full size down. I usually wear 11.5-12 for shoes/boots, and 11 for sneakers.

    Sorry if this is a long and confusing question. I'd really appreciate some advice, though.

  4. Perhaps baldy doesn't have the sizing advice you're looking for, but at the very least he gave what I thought was good advice. If you already know a place that has them in stock, good for you, but imagine if you hadn't already found such a place... wouldn't you be bummed to do all that sizing homework for nothing?

  5. I love the idea of classic appliances being reinvented. There's nothing quite as classic as a 5-pocket pair of jeans, but it's cool when someone reassesses what a pair of "jeans" is, and puts a new, and practical, spin on its design. What other companies have done it besides Mister Freedom?

  6. I have a question about sizing on the gentleman travelers. I was able to try on a pair of the moc toe version in 10.5 and they fit great, so I ordered a pair of the non-moc toe in 10.5 assuming they'd fit the same? Is the width much narrower? Thanks!

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