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High Monika

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Posts posted by High Monika

  1. ^^ Walked around the nyc store today and did not see either pattern of heat tech. I looked pretty carefully because I wanted a pair with the bottom pattern.

    They're definitely not in NYC. NYC women's only has a different shitty purple version.

  2. are these heat tech leggings available in nyc?



    anyone doing a proxy? i just need a few heat tech things

    Yo I'm down for for either of these, too. My friend picked some up in China a while back (not sure how long) in a different pattern. Anyone see one of these, pick one up, preferably the second, and I'll pay proxy fee. I assume they're women's so whatever equivalent for men's small.

  3. Honestly i think joining the MIL now is nuts, we are at war, and shits nuts... even after the shortest enlistment, that to me, would be worth it alone...

    That's the biggest issue - no short enlistment exists anymore. The US military is consistently fucking over soldiers who have done their tour with multiple tours. Either way, good luck to other dude.

    january my close friend was beaten to death

    february my best friend killed someone in self defense

    my gf of 5 years left me 2 weeks ago because im suicidal

    Wow, you guys are really fucking this guy over. You all know him or something? He bitch a lot about his life?

  4. ...and a hand to hold your throat to stifle that crying choke...

    If you like alt country/folk at all, give this a shot. It's so beautiful. The first 2/3 using minimal backing keyboard; the last 1/3 using woodwinds and a backing singer redefines the song while still sounding ridiculously similar.

  5. I liked the last episode for one reason alone: it finally showed the audience why the survivors are scared. The comics made clear that while the zombies are slow, they're sneaky as fuck. Up until now, the zombies on the show have been slow and pretty easy to evade unless massed together. This time they were massed and sneaky. Now their fears seem plausible.

    The first 10 minutes and last 10 minutes of this week was awesome (even if people you'd never, ever seen showed up at the campfire to die). The vatos were fucking horrible.

  6. 100% unexpected from your previous myspace angle pics.

    Has this already been covered?

    That american_hearts is landho???

    RACIST. Seriously though. Asians with glasses, otherwise they look nothing alike (and AH is like 4" taller).

  7. I do not, nor will I ever care about them taking radiation pictures of my anus or touching my balls. Whatever. Just get me through the damn line. I can be sympathetic to people who don't want it to happen. However, I hope people who keep talking to TSA screeners saying "DON'T TOUCH MY JUNK" get fucking tased every time. It's a job in a shitty economy, leave them alone. Complain to the gov't (ha).

  8. It's the truth though.

    This is me giving the jerk off motion because that's all that advice is. It's some self-satisfied shit you tell people who are infatuated because you want to hear your own awesome logic and are way too far up your own ass to see the obvious: it doesn't fucking help.

  9. Sxofan's Fit.
    The fucking fjallraven

    I was walking the streets thinking about getting a new bag when Fjallraven popped in my head. I got mad enough that I wanted to someone to walk by with one so I could fucking punch them in the head (0). Awful looking bags.

    And for consistency, button your blazer you goober.

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