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High Monika

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Posts posted by High Monika

  1. i fear the reaction hang the dj'll have seeing that suit

    Looks fine, he's standing and his jacket is buttoned.

    Oh. Oh shit.

    It's a $120 multi pen so it isn't a "plastic pen". I had the pen in my pocket because I was writing a lot of notes during engineering career fair.

    edit: link to pen


    edit2: what's wrong with a euro fit suit? jacket length reveals half an inch of my shirt.


  2. Really at a dead end right now with how to get this whole 'get healthy/in shape' resolution off the ground :,(

    "Working out" definitely doesn't work for everyone. Any physical activity, and, as Scott said just cutting back generally helps a lot.

    Then again, sometimes I find indulgence to the point of disgust works as motivation. After a while of doing that, deprivation becomes its own type of pleasure. I didn't exercise at all for about 6 months and now that I am again it's kind of amazing. Though, it might only work for me because I have a weird need for balance in my life - I usually go motivated to lazy, spazzy to somber, etc. in shifts. No, not bipolarity.

  3. mira-original.jpg

    supporting a friend's breast project tee


    ann d

    I am amused and the rest is fine.


    Robert Geller Fishtail Parka

    Number (N)ine Darted Charcoal

    Visvim Kief

    Visvim Bag

    Sample scurrf

    Someone said "hyped the fuck out but still good" or something like that. I agree.

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