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Posts posted by WillKhitie

  1. Potentially randomly unrelated – been lugging around a 9TS (+/- some attachments) for a good year an a half, and people noticing it always feels like that bit in Pattern Recognition where Boone has to explain his Pelican case and all his shit inside.


    I find it interesting too how they look grotesquely overkill maximalist, but in reality function quite brutally. 

  2. Same waffle place for the last 3. Starting to rationalise an ideal self, one with a waffle iron.




    Took a couple batches of work, but I finally got this "Butter Popcorn" cookie idea to a good place (i.e. labor, labor, labor x3).


    Used shades of Daniel Patterson's Grits technique with the Tosi Corn Cookie recipe. 




    New brick oven place (Gino's?). Given that it and Motorino HK share entirely Filipino staff, I'd say this is a notch better.




    Home made sandwich I had for lunch, Filipino Chorizo and fried egg.



  3. The person who wrote that sounds like he just watched 'Jobs' the movie. 


    EDIT: Or one too many Apple product rollouts. Seriously.. "Let's get started'?

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