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Posts posted by hey

  1. Today my roommate ate a hot dog that was wrapped in bacon, deep-fried, covered in cheese, and topped with fried onions.

    It was called the "Heart Attack Dog."

    I got the much more modest "Colombia Dog," with pineapple and crushed potato chips.

    If I had taken pictures, this post would go in what are you eating todai, but I didn't and the current subject of discussion is fatass food, so here you go.

  2. That's pretty cool hey. The only home made ice cream I've had are the ones they teach you in chemistry...and joe's cos he has his own churning machine.

    I took this photo awhile ago and just uploaded today. Made me hungry so during break I stopped by beard papa.


    Thanks. My roommate got me an ice cream maker for Christmas (I have a giant sweet tooth) so we've been playing around with different recipes each night.

    What are those pastries you posted? They look delicious.

  3. I love these in general, and every time I try to explain what they are to a friend I can't find the right word. They're not chains, so saying "leather chain" just confuses people. Reign is a much better word.

    I really like the Skull one because of the giant hook at the end, but Skull and The Flat Head are the only ones I've ever seen. I'd like to know if any other companies make them too.

  4. icecreamyu9.jpg

    Roommate and I made some ice cream. It's vanilla, made with real vanilla beans and a little bit of strawberry preserves. The consistency is a tad bit off, but the taste is fucking incredible.

    Gotta work on the texture next time. I think it should've been churned a little bit longer.

  5. cotton,I'm a bit of a stickler for grammar. life is a noun, a thing. Live is a verb, or an action. So life is something you HAVE whereas live is something you DO. so what do you live? You live your life. Any better or no?

    There's one more. Live, as in "This show was recorded live," is an adjective. It describes a condition, and is pronounced with a long I, sounding like "eye." The word "alive" sounds the same, but with an A in front of it.

    To sum up: "live life" = "liv laif" and "This show was recorded (a)live."

  6. I'm not sure I always enjoy how nutz it is.

    But whatever, it's still the best show on television.

    I think that's my favorite part of the show.

    Tried to watch the first episode of season one of The Wire last night since everyone I know has been singing its praises. Problem was, I tried to watch it at 4 AM and quickly fell asleep. I'll probably try again tonight. I really liked the first scene.

  7. How come people get so offended when the security things at stores beep? And then start with the "well, I didn't steal anything" speech? 99% of the time it's just a case of someone forgetting to remove a tag, or it's something electronic, but so many people get so angry, so quickly, over it.

    This is weird to me. Where do you work? At Toys R Us, no one ever gets upset when they go off on the way out. They mostly get confused and stand around, causing the thing to beep repeatedly, instead of just continuing out the door like we generally tell them to do anyway.

  8. American Apparel (at least here in Gainesville) has nearly-naked dudes walking around in it at times too. I guess they have to wear 100% (or close to it) AA outfits, and "briefs" constitutes an outfit.

    I went into an A&F once when I was like 14 and not even into fashion and that was enough for me. I guess back then they didn't have the naked greeter. You could still smell the store (and Hollister) from half a mall away though.

  9. I ordered a size 30 pair of 5010xx a few months ago, and could hardly button them, so I sent them back for a 31. The 31 ended up stretching out to fit me pretty poorly, so I sold them recently.

    Now I wanna re-order them in a size 30 and just let them stretch out to a fit that I think I'll like (I loved the way the 30s looked, they were just uncomfortable).

    My question is this: soak them, or not? If so, how/why?

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