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Posts posted by hey

  1. I don't understand. At all.

    Why would you knowingly make yourself look like a complete tool in front of

    everyone you know?


    Confession: dating a girl 6.5 inches taller than I am is surprisingly easy.

    Of those 300+ people I'm actually personally friends with less than 20. The 20ish people I'm really friends with will immediately know it's a joke. The rest of the people, the ones likely to show up and be turned away, are not people of any consequence, so I'm not really concerned.

  2. So after a few months of not reading I picked up a few things over the last couple of weeks and I have a few choice thoughts:

    Fuck you DC. I hope Grant Morrison uses Final Crisis to retcon Dan Didio's existence and erase the last 30 years of DC comics history, and suddenly Kirby's Fourth World shit starts coming out monthly as though it were brand new.

    Well, that's not all true. I would want him to continue writing All-Star Superman though because that shit is amazing and issue #10 was double amazing. JSA isn't so bad either.

    Secret Invasion is gearing up and I've been catching up on Avengers so I'm in the know when it happens. I'm pretty stoked for it. Bendis might not be a concept man the way Morrison is but he can write some damn good superhero shit.

    Oh and I read a Brand New Day issue of Spider-man and it was awful. I don't think I'll do that anymore.

    I can't wait until no one replies to this.

  3. Yep, I completely remember that. Matt would be running a totally different boutique if it weren't in, well, Gainesville.

    And don't worry, no one fucking buys the Corpus tees so there'll be smalls left. Except maybe in the white one with the birds on it. I think Matt and I bought the only two smalls.

    PS I wish I had a fucking ton of money I'd take those cdiems off your hands.

  4. If he has an addictive personality, sufu is probably a fairly safe "addiction."

    Now that he's unbanned and has some free time, he's gonna start doing meth or something.

  5. I half-seriously told a ladyfriend (actually the one I posted about in here forever ago) that I wanted to make a fake facebook event and invite everyone to it then play totally dumb when people showed up here. She told me I wouldn't, and I couldn't let her call my bluff, so I made a fake VEGAN POTLUCK (gainesvillian hipsters eat that shit up, literally and figuratively), made it look legit, picture, normal-sounding event description, all that, then invited every single one of the 300-ish people I'm "friends" with on Facebook.

    I only did it because she called my fucking bluff and now people really think I'm having a goddamn potluck. I'm not fucking vegan and I'm pretty loudmouthed about how much I love meat, but I already have people thinking I'm serious asking me questions. On one hand, this actually is sort of funny because I plan on ignoring all questions until the potluck and then if anyone shows up, acting confused, but goddamn why does she have to call my bluff and make me do dumb shit.

    Bonus (short) Confession: I hid in a stockroom and yoyoed for about half of my shift at work today.

  6. destructodisk and Thorns, you guys both have the same hair color/hairline as me, but your haircuts are way better. You're inspiring me to get a better cut, and for that I thank you.

    Also great fits.

  7. I've met people from other online fora before. Had some pizza with some and then i see this one guy on campus from time to time.

    There's a sufu guy that works at a store in gainesville i might run into soon. I've seen a guy in skulls at that store before too. Might be a mynudies guy though as i think they had that skulls contest that leaked here. Anyone here though?

    I think I'm actually both of the people from the last paragraph. I know I'm one of them. Did you actually come into the store a long time ago asking about that corpus quilted bomber? We may have been in the store at the same time then, but that was way before I worked there.

  8. Did they give you anything? While I was in NY I stopped by Pat's per your recommendation and bought a Dark Magic (as well as an 888 and a ton of other shit for my roommate) and yoyoed a little bit on the subway, until I realized people might think I wanted money. I stopped after that. I'm not that good so I don't think I would've gotten anything anyway.

  9. I actually just took a trip up to NYC to see the pillows. Got back to Gainesville at like midnight last night.

    Proxying scares me. I've never done it.

    Edit: solid spring basics are what I was going for. I have an impressively small wardrobe and I needed to lay some groundwork to make it larger.

  10. funkdoobi bought the same shirt as me!


    All from Uniqlo: t-shirt, cardigan, blazer, jeans, shorts, button-up


    Dark Magic is mine, 888 was robocopped for my roommate. (Thanks Kiya and Steve for recommending I email Pat, thanks Pat for the yoyos.)


    Loden Dager shirt, Opening Ceremony shoes.

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