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Posts posted by hey

  1. basically you become a snotty better-than-art-thou biatch (ex-whore)


    When people make bizarre combinations of phrases like "better-than-art-thou."

    I don't know if you were thinking "holier-than-thou" while reading "wherefore art thou Romeo" out of Romeo and Juliet or what, but that makes no sense.

  2. V for Vendetta graphic novel.... pretty cool. I have never read a graphic novel before

    I've read a fucking ton of comic books and graphic novels in my life, and this still stands above all the rest as my favorite. Absolutely fucking amazing. Moore is a genius. I'd really recommend his Swamp Thing run too. A lot of people also like The Watchmen, but it sort of requires a knowledge of comic book heroes and tropes on a certain level.

    Just finished Slaughterhouse-Five. Fucking amazing. On to Rules of Attraction and then Breakfast of Champions.

  3. This stuff better come out in March since I really like it, and I'll actually be in NYC for a little while. Even better if the stuff comes out while I'm there and I can snag that blazer.

    Shorts and pants are what really do it for me in this collection.

  4. How does Barbara Walters have a career? Her interviews before the Oscars tonight were the most jarring, artificial, and generally uncomfortable I've seen. She forced Ellen Page to sing a Moldy Peaches song and had to ask Harrison Ford who "Ridley?" was when they were discussing Blade Runner.

  5. kiya, sidney, steve, all you knowledgeable folks, is there a cool yo-yo shop or any place to buy a nice yo-yo in NYC? I'm gonna be there a few days in late March and I'd love to look around at some stuff. I'm currently playing with my roommates FH Zero (and occasionally his K-Os while he plays with his new Pyro) but I'm looking to get something of my own.

  6. How did this happen?

    Yesterday I was in my American Government class, and somehow the subject of conversation turned to pedophelia and Chris Hansen. Our prof. mentioned that she was appalled that it only takes about four seconds to attract a predator as an internet if you pose as a young boy, which frankly didn't surprise me. What did surprise me was a classmate's related story.

    He mentioned that his friend was doing a project that was tangentially related to this subject, and while he was in Smathers Library (biggest library on UF campus) he did a social experiment. The gist of it was that he went into the male looking for male subsection of craigslist, and wrote a post saying "I'm in Smathers, looking for a blowjob. Meet me in the 3F bathroom?"

    Apparently within about 10 minutes he'd received an email with a positive response, saying to meet him in the bathroom in about five minutes. Well, the guy went to the bathroom to find it totally empty, went back to his computer, and wrote the anonymous guy an angry e-mail about how he didn't show up. The response explained that Mr. Anonymous didn't actually expect the guy to show up, but saw now that he was serious so he'd meet him there in 10 minutes. Ten minutes pass and the guy goes into the bathroom only to find a note explaining that he'd been fooled by a girl and was dumb for asking for a blowjob in a library. So it goes.

    But I told you that story so I could tell you this one.

    A few weeks ago a friend of mine told me that another one of her friends had been bored while studying in the same library, and was browsing the m4m section of craigslist for kicks. She found a guy who mentioned being in Smathers Library and wanting a blowjob.

    Thinking she might have a little fun, she posed as a guy and told the pursuer of the blowjob to meet her in the bathroom for a blowjob in five minutes. She never went and eventually the guy emailed her back asking why the bathroom was empty when he got there. She continued the charade and said to meet in the bathroom in ten minutes, then quickly wrote out a note about how she had fooled the guy, ran into the bathroom, and taped the note to a stall door.

    I can't believe the coincidence necessary for this to have happened. Both of them were scamming too. Bizarre.

  7. Alright, I appreaciate all the help you guys have given me. I've booked plane tickets, bought the concert tickets, and my lodging is all in order. I also checked out the main superfuture NYC page and learned a good deal from that. You've all been immensely helpful.

    So now I ask this:

    Are there any must-go, must-eat, must-see places in NYC that might be a bit below the radar, i.e. not on the superfuture page, not commonly known to tourists, etc?

    I'd really like to make the most out of my four days there.

  8. I've lived in Japan before.

    When I first got there I was painfully unaware of the amusing clothing and undergarment co-ordination that asian women participate in to conceal their true body type.

    The first time I stripped down a lovely curvacious lady only to find that her body below the waist looked like a birds nest suspended between two tentpoles, well, it wasn't positive experience.

    Wait so what exactly do they do to hide this?

  9. This fucking guy right here:


    This is my friend's math prof. I don't even have to deal with the guy but for some reason his stupid bullshit site makes me see red. Everything from his retarded "welcome to my website!" bouncing marquee to his goofy-ass shirt makes me wnat to quit the college I'm currently at, enroll at the one he teaches, and begin a career of professionally disrupting this man's life. Click on his picture for a good time.

  10. I've tried to get a few friends to come along, and I have a few who have tentatively agreed, but I'd rather be pleasantly surprised if they get their shit together than pissed off and totally fucked of they don't.

    And as far as credit card debt, well, I am using a credit card to take this trip, but I'm trying not to max it out or ruin my credit or anything.

    I did find a friend to crash with for two nights, which alleviates a lot of stress.

    Now: Where's the NYC shopping thread?

  11. Primed's light trail pictures reminded me of these that I did a little while ago:



    Trying to do a pac-man monster type thing as well. I don't really take a lot of pictures, as I only have a shitty point-and-shoot, but I borrowed my roommate's D40 for these. I really need to save up for a decent DSLR.

  12. Y - The Last Man is fucking great. It just ended, and I've been reading it issue-by-issue as it came out. One of my favorite comics ever. If you liked Brian K. Vaughn's style, I would recommend anything else he's written. He's a really phenomenal writer. Pretty much any Vertigo stuff (though not all) is good too. American Virgin is fairly short and just ended, and some of the grittier stuff like Preacher and Transmetropolitan is fantastic.

    Just finished Lolita and started reading Slaughterhouse-Five. Every new page makes me love that book more and more.

    Edit: Dino, I hated The Stranger. I can't put my finger on why. I just...hated it. Maybe I'm too dumb or something.

  13. what band are you going to see?

    Going to see the pillows. They've been a favorite band of mine ever since I was an animu-loving middle-schooler, and even though I'm 21 and in college now I still keep up with all their singles and album releases. They're probably my favorite band hands down and they tour the US infrequently and without warning.

    Thanks for all the help everyone. I'll be looking into your suggestions.

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