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Posts posted by hey

  1. I'll be sure to run both of those by her.

    "So, since you fucked up my plans and it cost me some expensive hotel reservations, here are your options:

    A) Blowjob

    B) Anal (mo bettah)

    C) Dinner

    The choice is yours."

  2. I hate it when people you thought were dependable seem to go to great lengths to show you that they're not.

    I leave in about an hour for NYC all the way from fucking Orlando, with plans to stay with a friend for two nights. This was agreed upon a month ago.

    This morning I got a facebook message (not a phone call or something meaningful) saying I can't stay there because she and her boyfriend are fighting. She says I should look for a hostel to stay in.

    Well great they're all booked because you waited until the day fucking of to let me know. Not only that, but I have four hours of class, a two hour drive, and a three hour flight, all back to back, with no time to really find a new place to stay.

    Thankfully I got it all worked out (thank god my flight was delayed) but it cost me a pretty penny. I sorta feel like she should treat me to dinner or some shit as recompense. Is this out of line or do I deserve something in return for this massive goddamn inconvenience?

  3. might've been mentioned already

    but she's awesome



    I came in here to post her, wrote up a whole post and everything, then decided to make sure she hadn't already been mentioned. I'm glad I checked. You have excellent taste.

    She's just so...well-spoken. A girl who can talk for any length of time without having to pepper in "uh" or "um" or "like" every four words really gets me.

  4. Destructo, I'm in the same boat as you. I leave for NY on the 20th, and all I have is a $500 credit card. I'm not too worried about paying off a debt either, but I'm gonna be pissed if I can't get something I really want. How can I get another credit card by Thursday?

  5. Speaking from deeply personal experience, filing independently of your parents is in no way enough to exclude you from submitting their information when you fill out the FAFSA. I've filed independently for the last three years, and this semester I talked to three separate people in the student financial aid department at my college and every one of them told me that without absurdly exceptional circumstances (instances of abuse, etc), there's NOTHING you can do to leave your parents out of it excep ift:

    They're dead

    You're a veteran

    You're married

    You have a child

    I think there's one more, but I can't remember it.

  6. You misunderstand the linguistic definition of what a "dead language" is. A dead language is any language that is no longer spoken natively anywhere in the world.

    No one is "raised" speaking latin natively, except weird monks like I mentioned earlier but they don't really count (especially because I'm not 100% sure it's true anymore).

    For example, Hebrew used to be a dead language until Israel made an active, concerted effort to teach it to all their children as their native language, so now it's not dead anymore.

  7. I see people dressed more poorly than this, doing more deplorable activities, on a daily basis. It's a byproduct of (unfortunately) going to a community college in a semi-small Florida town. I wish had pictures.

    The best is the guy who routinely has on jorts, combat boots, a milsurp vests (all pockets full to overflowing, presumably with yugioh cards), and a racoon tail. He's sort of a legendary furry around town, legendary because despite his most earnest attempts he's never gotten laid at a furry convention.

  8. This coming from a guy who seems to have named himself after an obscure DC comics character from the 1960s who resurfaced recently only to be killed by a gold, football-shaped robot named "Skeets."


  9. i was wearing a tank top yesterday after work to skate. its probably in the 70s today.

    i love florida sometimes.

    Word. Florida's had some great weather over the weekend but I'm expecting it to go back into ball-sweating heat mode pretty soon.

    Someone told me last Thursday was supposed to be the coldest day of the year or something so I wore way too many layers and it was only SLIGHTLY cold so I was sweaty all day. It wasn't pleasant.

    All that said I wish Florida got snow sometimes, maybe, ever...:(

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