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Posts posted by pragmatics

  1. So I rewatched a couple episodes from this season on demand, and i must recant that the show is dead. It's still pretty funny.

    However, I still stand by that Nightman The Musical episode was absolutely, unforgivably awful. It was this steaming pile of suck that was able to cloud my vision even into future episodes with how unfunny it was.

  2. I just had Nong Shim ramen (not the normal big bowl, but the Spicy Noodle Soup kind) for the first time. It was delicious. It had all sorts of freeze dried goodies in it. Tasty.

    Then I got weirded out after I ate it when I started thinking about the reconstituted fish pieces...

  3. angry tendercrisp...made me angry. it was nothing special and priced sorta high. i think i would have been way more satisfied with the tried and true big mac value meal. the mocha joe never disappoints tho.

    I was so disappointed in this the first time I tried it too, and I'm a big Angry Whopper advocate.

    Then, I asked if I could get a tengergrill patty in place of the fried chicken. It's not a push button, but after some convincing/sad faces from me, they just yelled to the guys in the back and charged me for the angry tendercrisp.

    The angry whopped works because of the play between the spicy parts, the sweetness of the sauce, and the charbroiled parts. It makes no sense to make an Angry Tendercrisp and not an Angry Tendergrill.

  4. I sometimes hate watching late night interviews. It's not that I ever really liked or admired Aaron Eckhart or anything, but I didn't really need to vague feeling that he might be Matthew McConaughey sans accent.

    It also came dangerously close to ruining Christina Ricci for me.

  5. Cool Grease is pretty good---G or R (one is stronger than the other.) It's pretty solid stuff. Good shine and washed out well too.

    if you want something more available, just pick up American Crew pomade (brown top).

  6. me being a shy recluse, incapable of talking to a pretty girl.. ALSO high school marching band camp, 8 hours every day 3 weeks. all i can say is, FUCK

    I feel like you should post this moment here.

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