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Posts posted by pragmatics

  1. double boiler. egg yolks. lemon rind. lemon juice. pretty easy.

    Plus a ton of melted butter in small amounts. It's easy to have lemony scrambled eggs if you aren't careful.

  2. I love ping pong but where the hell am I gonna watch that shit :(

    I doubt NBC will show anything but a passing 30 minute piece.

    I just discovered last night that you can stream some of the events live at http://www.nbcolympics.com/

    It tried to make me install something and then wouldn't work anyway, though. Maybe you'll have better luck.

  3. Here's my problem with the games: Pretty much everything they show on TV throughout the day is pre-recorded and edited down. So why is it, NBC, that you can't tell me what time an event is going to come on? Instead I have to sit through an hour of volleyball because your thing said it'd be on sometime between 11:00-2:30 just to see 15 minutes of rowing that you chopped up. Then I find out what I was really waiting for, the 8s, was canceled and would be seen Monday at a time never to be disclosed. Lame.

  4. We developed the hydrogen bomb in 1953. Maybe an atom with baseballs swirling around it, with a dragon riding in a Corvette swinging at them while the Cincinnati baseball-head man looks on knowingly. Or you know, something completely different.

    On a side note, I was a bit iffy about the Dry Bones contest as it doesn't fit my style personally (black rivets? eh.) So I'm excited to hear about this. Really good ideas floating around about these.

  5. I am surprised that people are having problems with their jeans. It seems like a case of poor quality control to me. Maybe sizing down just accelerates the inevetable.

    The cut is great and the denim is fantastic. I love the character that these jeans have. I feel that is what I paid for. Still, I would be upset if mine blew out in 2 months. I'd just patch it up tho.

    I agree wholeheartedly. I really love these jeans. I even considered getting another pair of the non-contest 660s to rotate with, but ultimately for whatever reason, some of the jeans have a huge problem with denim unravelling on the inner seams, and I don't really think it has to do with wearing them too tight. I had a long tuft of denim fiber on the inner leg hanging out from the inside that actually had been held in place, trapped in the outer stiching (I've since pulled it out of the stiching and trimmed it so no pictures.) It sort of worried me when I saw it that such a supposedly high-quality factory would actually send something out like that, knowing the denim was fraying and still sewing straight over it.

    That said, I haven't had any actual problems with my pair. They're holding up well, the material looks and wears great, and are actually one of the best fitting pairs of denim I've ever owned (of course, this is my first real premium denim, but that's another point entirely).

    Post-soak they fit similarly to chattypuma's, but I found these stretch quite a bit in a very short time. If those are post-stretching, I'd say you are most definitely wearing them too tight.

  6. a friend of mine is telling me his favorite is Six Moral Tales collection or Eric Rohmer's... should I blind buy or not?

    I watched three of the six planning to get the others later, and they get pretty repetitive as far as structure goes and ultimately I found the stories ranged from boring to semi-boring. Needless to say I returned the 3 and decided to get something different. They just weren't my cup of tea I guess.

  7. Elevator to the Gallows and Il Posto were the first DVDs that I watched all the extra features on and actually felt as if it hadn't been a complete waste of time. It always seemed to me that a lot of the time people add extras because its expected not because they think anyone actually will watch them. Plus both are excellent films.

  8. is this that show with tina feye fking satrady night ass hot ass teahcer in mean girls

    Yes, and speaking of mean girls and saturday night live and funny black people (not so much Alec Baldwin though) what the hell happened to Tim Meadows? 30 Rock may be one of the best quality comedies on TV right now but what TV really needs is more Tim Meadows.

  9. I'd get them rehemmed anyway whether you get more taken off or not. The hem spacing seems wonky, a little too much distance between the end of the pant and the stitching or something (or my eyes are just playing tricks on me).

    On second thought maybe I'm just getting thrown off by the wearing angle on the right leg in the second picture.

  10. Bored so I thought I'd borrow a camera and take some pictures of my pair. That's about the time I realized I'm awful at taking pictures and can't work a camera to save my life.

    Worn everyday since the 21st. No flash or adjustments.


    crinkled tag:1dec1tag.jpg

    My number since this is the first time I'm checking in with pictures:


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