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Posts posted by ojjairus

  1. ^yo was that at the T.K.E frat party?

    man how hood is breaking into an csulb department just to steal some red bull and food from someones office?

    im lucky i didn't get caught for that shit hella stupid.

  2. go to a black barber they will do you right! but will prolly laugh at you or something (5)

    I HATEEEEE fucking missing oppurtunitys with anything, especially with women. Like why can't my brain function at that exact time for me to say something witty to an invitation into thier "lives" haha.

    And then after i realize how much i fucked up and think of tons of responses...and no im not nervous just unobservant in the listening and processing department.

  3. yea djrajio coulda wrote that mystery method/pua shit first since he already knows it all.

    Q: i know its a bad idea to ask for her number if she is working but what about volunteering? lol and how should i close given a short amount of time. just be like aye i gotta go lemme get your number?

    I don't feel confident in asking for their number if i don't build up that rapport and attraction.

  4. ayee scott, i had two wierd/fcked up dreams last night along with sleep paralysis. Too bad i couldn't remember what the dream was about i just remember waking up being like wtf am i dreaming about?

  5. How people don't understand that they are fucking annoying to others, when they clearly are given hints to stfu. Like i've replyed your questions with one word answers and havn't made eye contact, nigga im not shy i just want you to stfu and leave.

  6. GIRLS111

    oh and how i seem to study long and hard and still not get a's and b's on everything.

    why i can't fukin gain any weight like fuk, why do i spend so much money on food when i can't gain weight.

  7. idk if im an insomniac, i love sleep. i just prefer not to.

    anyone know anyone with a bui-dui?

    ohhh im going to clothing companys bbq tomo. should be fun, free food is always strong motivation. Plus weekend days are usually always uneventful.

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