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Posts posted by ojjairus

  1. SOMETIMES its ok to disagree with women.

    I think what drraijio means is that since those are always touchy subjects and its better to pass on those conversations if you can.

    But MOST girls don't want guys that agree with them all the time and by disagreeing it actually benefits you. But like religion and politics with a girl that is into it, it could be hit or miss.

    Most girls try to change the guy that they are attracted to and when they have succeeded then they lose all attraction. Alot of guys fail this test and end up giving in to the girls demands to early. It shows that the guy has no backbone, wussy concept.

  2. serious what rapper doesn't talk about bitches money and weed.

    i think you're just mad cause everyone around you is jumping off your favorite artist because of drake.

    I mean seriously if you were a rapper what would you rap about? College tuition? idk give the guy a break hes doing it big and doing a decent job about it.

    ps: like i said before listen to his mixtape. He sings as well, what more could you want (3)

  3. Dear Brother

    You don't seem to know who your real friends are. i understand being bitter at me but being bitter at your homies is unacceptable. I guess its cause you're so close to them that forces you to act that way but man up and stop being such a bitch. You said you were going to edc but bailed and then you said you don't think you belong in sb anymore? Thats a bitch move, i wish you could see things from others perspective. No one has your back like sb. Next time someone wants to beat you up and you're with your "friends". I'll be anticipating the outcome.

    ps:stop being such a pussy.

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