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Posts posted by ojjairus

  1. I was thinking about the nice guy philosophy and i came to the conclusion that most nice guys bring the comfort to the girls they pursue but never bring the intent. So they always turn off their sexuality thinking thats the way to attract a girl. So I need to mend my previous statement and say that "Nice guys with no intent finish last".

  2. yea sportsfreak is from flo-rida. was his gf there also dino?

    My ankle is better. The past couple of days i had to walk on my tippee toes due to the pain. i can now walk with a limp (like a pimp). And the party that i went to, even though i looked like a damn fool limping all over the place it was actually quite fun.

    I have learned two things.1. Don't play basketball with skate shoes. 2. Compared to most i haven't experienced alot of physical pain. No broken bones in my life (knock on wood).

  3. sprained( i hope) my ankle really bad yesterday, i still decided to party last night hobbling around like a gimp. I'm NEVER hurt and the pain is excruciating, i need meds cause i can't stand it (pun).

    I should go to the hospital but i break a sweat trying to get downstairs.

  4. I realize that the only times i have black'd out from drinking were '"accidents" one being my bday.

    I also realize why im so fond of forums in particular. Not only cause im bored but bc im a very social individual and like to interact/be around people so when im at home this is the closest thing to me interacting socially? Well thats my psychological standpoint on the situation.

  5. I feel im always being watched =/ i fcking hate it.

    But today i went to play ball and had a unknown stain on my shorts so i went to wash it off. I put water all over my shorts and they were the kind that you could tell when they were wet i went to go dry them but the dryer didn't work. i went back on the courts looking like i peed myself and everyone was staring at me cause it was my teams turn.

  6. i remembered earlier as a kid i used to change it when pete and pete came on because there was always something better to watch, then i watched it by myself and was hooked. Only show me and my bro didn't watch together...i think it had to do with the openining.

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