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Posts posted by ojjairus

  1. ojairus comin thru hit you wit that neg rep

    not a path you want to cross a secret not well kept

    holding more keys than a janitor

    more shots like a laker add steve kerr

    ice around my neck even make the girls go brrr

    stepin out the whip

    cop killa equiped

    and just got done putting in just the tip

  2. Got it, i was just interested in what perspective you were in when you wrote that line.

    I was also thinking about how girls always say " he spends more on clothes/shoes that me", so your knowledge just added another angle to that whole idea even though it doesn't apply to me but most of sufu.

  3. yo im seriously not gunna cop jawnz. Im going to give most of it back to the church as well. Idk why dude would think im in desperate need, i mean im not struggling or anything but i've been using my savings all summer cause its ridic trying to find a summer job.

  4. Dang now you got me all skeptical. Where to exchange!

    Calv- That seems like a pretty wierd situation to be in? I find it hard to believe she doesn't want to see anybody else but if its true, she might have some kind of conflict preventing her from wanting to be your "boyfriend" maybe pressure from friends/fam? But she still wants all the benefits of being with you it seems.

  5. A single tear almost came to my eye before i man'd up after a random du gave me money at church.

    I was looking fresh to (0). I had my shades on tho cause my eyes still were pretty red from ungodly activities the night before. A tall white man walked up to me and shook my hand i embraced him like a "brother" he said "god thought he should give me this" and handed me some money like through a handshake, you know the hood way. I was pretty shocked i thought it was only a twenty but i couldn't put it into my pocket cause it would have been to much of a hassle skinny jeans concept. I was also self-conscious at what other people just saw go down, drug deal in the church courtyard lol? I walked back to the car looked at it and it was 5 20's. I was so happy that a tear almost slipped by. Its not the first time people gave me things though but the timing was crazy. I was just amazed how i was at the right place at the right time again.

    Jawn copping time(5)

  6. Some random du at church handed me 100 dollars in 20's. I wasn't even about to go to church today. I was still high from the previous night as well =/. Im not missing church anymore tho hahaha.

    Jkissi-Man why he have to do that video and freestyle i was on that nigga cause his mixtape was fire as well as his punchlines. Kanye fucked him.

  7. What do black guys intend to accomplish if anything when they hassle and harass other ethnicitys with black girls? Its so fcking ridic.

    i mean i kinda do this to some little extent but in my head but not even to black girls and other guys. I thought only black girls have the responsibility to hate on inter-racialism.(is that a word)

  8. sucks to expect to go somewhere and have a good time and end up doing the complete opposite.

    Some beezy's medical had me supaman high and supaman horny. I didn't think i got horny from smoking...

  9. Last night i got supaman highhh. And two grls that had thier boyfriends present were pretty much all over me. It would have been fckin awkard if i wasn't so crossfaded. To add to that it was a ex-co workers bday party and i hooked up with her previously and she kept on letting everyone know throughout the night, while the boyfriend was in the back. I don't really know whats her problem, idk if her boyfriend even knows already...

  10. ^ please don't listen to that shit. All offense.

    Djraj has been repeating that "Girls are emotional creatures"

    If shes hot then she knows . Hot girls know that alot of guys are after them.She has probly grown close to you cause shes not threatened and she think of you as JUST A FRIEND biz markie and mario concept. NOTHING can change that its a very slim chance only in movies does that shit happen. If you're in friend zone there isn't a good chance that you're not going to get out.

    I mean the best thing to do from my point of view is try and make her jealous or seem like you are hanging with other girls. That way you can gauge if shes feeling you or not without confronting her about your feelings which would be a simp concept.

  11. psssh i aint tellin no snitches what department.

    i would consider it pretty hood for the risks/reward part of it.

    when i was in elem school i would jack pokemon cards from malls basically kbtoys and spencers when i was on the coast.

    ... i then slanged them to kids in school and in my neighborhood

    i also would look thru kids collections and just snatch the ones i want and resell them to their friends.entrepreneur concept.

  12. ha!

    i only have one issue with women: that i cant find one i wanna wife that matches my unobtainable standards.

    look rajio, i aint gonna deny that you dont have a sick du internet persona, but most of this stuff you writing is downright elementary. this aint a reflection on you, but on sf.

    which just comes down to one thing in my opinion: experience (and the intelligence to learn from said experience).

    so im guessing most of the guys here have minimal experience with girls.

    everything we know, we learnt through experience.

    superfuture, you can pretend to take all the advice rajio is telling you over the internet, but you gotta get out there.. bad experiences are just as good as.. good ones. it'll make you stronger, make you nonchalant

    you ask a girl for her number and she goes 'i have a boyfriend' youd be like 'thats not what i asked you'.. you'll learn how to react bettter in potentially bad situations. how to disarm girls.

    when do you wanna be a sua-vay motherfucker, sometimes a little bit of self-deprecation is good, what persona you take depends on the girl, is she older/younger, does she look friendly/hot bitch?

    what raj is telling you hes learnt himself.

    if you aint out there getting numbers, hitting up girls in person.. who you gonna apply this stuff too?

    this one girl who you're fantasizing over right now? checking for her texts? replying her straight away?

    stop overanalyzing mayn.

    how do you push away a girl?

    you fall in love with her.

    its a really.. noble(?) thing what you're doing rajio. respect to your patience.

    to the dude who wrote an essay about the girl who he doesnt know whether is messing with him or not?

    you wrote the essay.. you lose.

    general rule of thumb.

    1. stop overanalyzing

    2. wait an hour before you reply her texts

    3. if she flakes, you had something better to do anyway

    4. you always have something better to do

    5. you always have someone better to do it with

    6. just say hi

    picking up in a club = get your dick grinded, maybe you fucked her if you dont get gatekeepered, her friend gatekeeper her but you get her number, % of her replying your interest = minimal / she wont remember you / shes actually dog-a-log


    picking up on the street, you're both straight, she WILL remember you, u can do it.

    u can be datguy too!



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