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Posts posted by habia

  1. haven't heard this but I will take a look soon, thank you for recommendation.

    but speaking of bands showing up on the p-fork radar recently

    and of bands you, OMC, have mentioned in postings

    anyone have Air France's On Trade Winds? Can tell me where to find it? I don't have the first two songs.

    EDIT: nevermind I just slogged through a bunch of elbo.ws sites and found a working download link.

  2. When did The Flat Head start making jeans?

    The 3001 tag says "since 1994" but the 1001 tag says "since 1996."

    typo? used 14oz since 94 and 16oz since 96? Perhaps small and informal enough of a company back in mid 90s that true start date for Flat Head clothing is disputable?

    Kiya most Flat Head lore flows from you since you actually know the guys... what do you know about the start date?

    (3001 tag on right, 1001 tag and patch on left)


  3. Trigun the anime series.

    I have seen it 2 or 3 times I believe and each time (spoilers ahead by the way) the final Wolfwood episode gets me.

    I got through disc 5 of the series earlier this week but have decided to stop since I don't quite feel like crying again.

  4. I could never forget our Book Club. Been waiting for the 11th to make this announcement.

    The next book is Money by Martin Amis. We will finish by September 11th, 2008 then allow one week for discussions and on September 18th landho will announce the next selection.

    I am excited to read this book with you guys. From the first month I particularly enjoyed the experience of communally discovering and interpreting Nabakov's work.

    Other books I seriously considered:

    Burning Chrome by William Gibson

    The Fortress of Solitude by Jonathem Lethem

    Mr. Punch by Neil Gaimen

    The Stranger by Albert Camus

  5. "But instead I am lanky, big-boned, woolly-chested Humbert Humbert, with thick black eyebrows and a queer accent, and a cesspool full of rotting monsters behind his slow boyish smile." (p.46 part 1 chapter 11)

    I am always interested by how people self identify. Here HH describes himself in relation to the perfection of tender childishness and eerie vulgarity of Lolita.

    "lanky" "big boned" hairy. Humbert first focuses on the physical differences between himself and Lolita; between adult and child. Then he describes mentions his eyebrows and accent, which are two of the most obvious differences from the perspective of a child. Lolita looks up into his eyes when he speaks to her in his foreign voice and sees his thick eyebrows. Due to absence of Harold Haze, her true father, Lolita must be surrounded most of the time by women and other children thus having little experience with a mature, male complexion like Humbert’s

    What stands out most to me however about this line is the guilty confession at the end. Humbert understands he is a monster and that nothing good comes from him, yet still he hides behind his smile and cunningly shapes himself to appeal to his adored nymphets.

    Throughout the rest of the book HH repeatedly references himself using monstrous animals in metaphor and simile; “spider†(p. 57 and 148), possessing claws, talons, “cold and scaly†both of which are unhuman, reptilian (or fish?) attributes (p. 94) “tiger†(p. 117), talons and wings like bird of prey (p. 214), “ancient beast†within him (p. 285), attributes of hornet and kangaroo (p.321).

    Then on page 145 Humbert describes Lolita as having “little claws.†I see this as a major turning point where despite his best intentions (can we even say best intentions about HH with a straight face?) he has unrevokably given Lolita claws and turned her into a monster like himself. Reminds me of the scene in the Mystic River movie (not read the book yet, is it good? I really like the movie) where Tim Robbins talks about pedophiles as vampires. That once child abuse is in you it doesn’t come out.

  6. Just finished. one day early at least...

    I liked it. Very disturbing to me though, more so than perhaps any book I have read before. Humbert invoked absolutely no sympathy or fascination from me. The only redeeming factor Nabakov has given him is Humbert's intellect, and intellect only gets one so far...

    The edition I read (Everyman's Library 1992) has an introduction by Martin Amis. I am familiar with some of Amis's work particularly concerning monsterism and humanity so this heavily colored my reading of the novel.

    I paid a lot of attention to Humbert as a monster during my reading. His own self obsession and love but also the self deprecating moments. the use of animal traits in metaphor and simile for all characters also caught my attention.

    more in depth reactions and thoughts later...

  7. Flat Head 3001. Pictures were taken at just over one year of everyday use. One soak at three days and one wash at 10.4 months.. I did two more washes after that but I think the 2nd and 3rd were after these photos.

    first and second photo no flash, third photo flash. All are pretty accurate representation of color, first photo the most so.

    check out the cracking behind knees... I truly believe this would not have happened if I had soaked/washed more frequently and earlier. Heads up.

    alas, they are no longer with me. RIP 3001s you were good to me.... I hope I was able to repay you in kind :(




  8. I want to play too.

    No pubes from me though sorry.. Authentic souvenirs and omiyage only.

    Location USA. I am willing to ship international or domestic.

    I have done music holiday exchange on another forum for a few years (what up head fi) and they always separate into those willing to ship international and those not willing since it can be a bit more costly.

    I think it would be cool to have partners assigned then exchange gifts instead of some randomized secret santa type activities which have person A give to person B where person B doesn't know who it is and B is giving to C or something not back to A...

    by having partners it might be able to foster fun e-buddy relations. Secret random partners would foster secret random fun which is cool too I guess.

  9. Hm.. I just read through almost this entire thread and did some searching...

    It seems like most people had the jeans comfortable/loose presoak then shrank to fit.

    Did anyone have a pair of the 16oz indigo which were tight in the waist both pre and post soak? How much did they stretch out after a couple months? more than 1 inch past raw waist measurement?

    Trying to figure out how much stretch is in the flat head 16oz denim, thank you. I got my 14oz 3xxx denim to stretch a bit over 1 inch in the waist past raw measurements, should I expect similar results from this denim?

    Thanks for any help.

  10. ok, I haven't finished yet. Barely halfway but going pretty quickly now.

    One line I just came upon and think is great:

    "My habit of being silent when displeasured, or, more exactly, the cold and scaly quality of my displeasured silence, used to frighten Valeria out of her wits." p.94

    ha! how pompous! What overly dramatic, self aggrandizing rephrasing! "cold and scaly quality"

    I love how thoroughly Nabakov communicates the obsessions of Humbert. With himself and Lolita.

    is everyone else reading the version with an introduction by Amis?

  11. ^Kiya's More equal than others, I like it.

    Personally, I want something minimal.

    So, no multicolors on the patch, no embroidery.

    Also, my understanding is that the "ox" character people have been using also means "cow" or "cattle"... not quite something I want on my jeans.

    One thing I like a lot about the regular Dry Bones patch is the traditional Japanese symbolism, hawk egg plants. Any way we could incorporate similar folk symbols into our patch? I will put some thought to it...

    very excited! Thank you to the community for the creative energy everyone is putting into this project.

  12. I've read only five books by Gibson (the Neuromancer trilogy, Burning Chrome, and Virtual Light). I think his prose is really good, especially in Neuromancer.

    His prose is great. I admire him more though for the way he views and describes technology in relation to humans.

    Neuromancer especially though really draws me into his world of gritty, futuristic "lo life hi tech."

    Burning Chrome is great. In particular I like that one story about "edge" researchers and the go-between who treat these genius scientists as commodities.

    Got to meet him and shake his hand once. Go me!

    i would like to be involved in this if that is ok. my only suggestion is not to get too heavily academic. i think The Prince and Brothers Karamazov and stuff like that is better suited to the university than the sufu.

    so is the idea to just let the next person in line pick the book?

    What about SUFU Uni?

    I agree with others saying let the next person choose the book based on his/her own criteria. Hopefully this will give us a decent level of diversity.

    which ones? ive read all of them except Kafka on the Shore, which i am starting now. id be interested to discuss his works, i wouldnt mind re-reading some of the stories. Should we carry this onto the Murakami thread?

    Norwegian Wood, Wind Up Bird Chronicles and Underground. Combination of cyberPUNK, Datasupa's avatar and recent New Yorker article of his made me finally check his books out.

    Wind Up Bird Chronicle I enjoyed, but feel I missed something... likely due to reading ten page sections on buses and trains- a method which would better suit Underground.

    Murakami thread here


    Lolita is a great choice. Something I have been meaning to read but have wondered how much I would get out of it on my own. Missed the opportunity when a few friends all read it three summers ago.

    and I agree with "Land Ho" about taking notes. Something which is a bit of an inconvenience in the moment but I always highly value it in retrospect. Avast

    August 4th. Sounds good.

  13. I have read All Tomorrow's Parties by Gibson but none of the others. It is good, I absolutely love Gibson. I think he is extremely intelligent, if perhaps not the best composer of prose (not conceding that point... merely acknowledging it).

    Just thought of a funny one, something I found a couple years ago. Anyone read SCUM Manifesto?

  14. Lan, nice movie club you have going there.

    I think the idea of having one person at a time just straight up choose a book is crucial. I just sort of assumed a democratic committee style decision would be best, which of course would terrible in actuality.

    Clopek, the next book I read will be chosen by you.

    I don't really think you can make a bad choice. Canonized stuff (Tolstoy, Kafka, Wilde) would all be good. Contemporary or unknown stuff can be good too. One reason a book club interests me is that it will get me reading stuff I wouldn't get around to otherwise. Additionally, as you are experiencing with American Psycho, sometimes I read a work and just feel I am "missing out" on the significance of author's intent and author's effect.

    EDIT: no, no, no, let's not read Kafka Hesse or Wilde quite yet. Just mentioned those earlier since I have had them lying around for a couple weeks.

  15. Excellent idea.

    Are you proposing American Psycho be the first book for the book club?

    Otherwise we should start entertaining possibilities to get this off the ground.

    is 3 weeks to read plus 1 week to discuss/figure out the next book too optimistic?

    Perhaps one month to read, then 2 weeks to discuss/figure out next book?

    Stuff on my shelf about to be read assuming their due dates don't interfere:

    Kafka- The Trial

    Hesse- Beneath the Wheel

    Wilde- The Importance of Being Earnest

    just been finishing a few Murakami books.

    I will give thought to some good books to read as a supergroup and post again.

    I really hope this works out.... passaround book and music trading club didn't go too far.

  16. I live in east east village sic. Makes me sad but I should probably change my location from SF/NYC to just nyc.

    I haven't been here at superfuture too long or participated a ton

    want to share a meal or whatever with 19 year young 15th grader I am down.

  17. heads up the free Sonic Youth show still requires tickets. They "sold out" in five minutes or so last month.

    I got them but decided not to pick them up since I am seeing Double Dagger instead.

    really wish I had bothered to go get the tickets.

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