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Posts posted by Eason

  1. I'm not down with antiperspirants, IIRC the way your body absorbs the aluminum in them has been linked to Alzheimer's, so fuck that I'd rather sweat. As for not stinking, I've been using alum crystal as a deodorant and it's awesome, plus you can rub it on your feet and it will kill the bacteria that causes odor there also. Cheap, odorless, and lasts a hell of a long time. Also on the natural side is Tom's of Maine's deodorant, those are pretty boss.

  2. now i see it, stands out as good amongst the gangs of white schmucks sifting round them dirty alleys.

    april 77s are big in seoul at the mo ehh.

    anybody seen nudies round?

    I've only seen fake nudies, they have them next to the D&G and Prada jeans at the 동대문 night market

  3. img_1521400.jpg

    KMW Rockers

    white leather hi-chucks

    people seem to be saying I should have worn some sleek black shoes/boots... dunno though might have taken it off the train to casual-ville and put it on the next jet to fancy-town.

  4. I think after about 10 turns that system will get turned off by even hardcore fallout fans. The current generation of morons whose first game was Halo will probably like it, and that's enough to justify it to the studios.

  5. Fallout 3 is crap, I'd bet my left nut on it. The reviews I've read compared it to Oblivion and Morrowind, not Fallout 1 and 2... it isn't fallout without depth, sardonic wit, and turn based action where you can shoot a rat in the groin. the half-assed paused real time shit they put in doesn't match that, especially since the enemy can't even aim at locations on you.

    Anyway, DEUS EX 3 ALL THE WAY.

  6. OCBD? Oxford cloth? I don't wear those but if you mean pictures of me in tight-ish buttondowns I don't mind, if I cared then obviously I wouldn't wear them. oh, and drizzt is a baller, to invoke his name is to risk being crushed between his pecs.

  7. SF might not have done as well as SUFU but it sure as fuck hasn't done as bad either.

    unless I got that reversed...

    kunk I'm fighting the urge to post all of robbie's fits into the WAYWT shit talking thread. I can't though because the (very nice guy) fucker doesn't post here making it a dick move.

  8. for oatmeal ive been eating the quakers oatmeal w/ a little brown suger and cream and a banana, the steak is pretty much completely lean and i never eat more than two eggs, ill stop with the toast and improve on my lunch some more and i use olive oil when i make the eggs but only a little

    btw i only drink OJ and water

    Don't drink orange juice, or any other kind of non freshly made juice. Just a bunch of sugar, it's crap for you. Worse for you than soda.

  9. oatmeal is good as long as it's steel cut and not instant. Instant = garbage. You could add a little non-fat LOW SUGAR yogurt with that oatmeal and fruit and it will do you a little better. Lunch is where you're going wrong, deli style meats have tons of sodium and preservatives, avoid them. Eat chicken breasts, they're your new best friend. Make a salad with a vinaigrette dressing and cook a chicken breast, toss some unsalted almonds or pine nuts in there for good measure. If you get hungry before dinner, eat some string cheese, or maybe some baby carrots for a snack. Don't eat toast for dinner. Don't eat bread in general, actually. Steak is reasonably healthy as far as red meats go, but it still isn't that healthy if you're trying to lose weight. Eggs are okay as long as you aren't eating more than 2 a day, and you aren't frying them in butter/oil.

  10. seated narrow-grip rows (cable) -- 150 X10 / 170 X 10 / 190 X 8 / 220 X 6

    narrow grip lat pull (cable) --130 X 10 / 150 X 10 / 170 X 8 / 190 X 6

    standing row / bent over row (freeweight) -- 115 X 12 / 135 X 12 / 160 X 8 / 180 X 8

    Iso-Lat Pulldown (freeweight) -- 140 X 12 / 180 X 10 / 200 X 8 / 230 X 6

    bent over row (freeweight) - 65 X 12 / 75 X 12 / 85 X 8 / 100 X 8

    that's seems a little much since they're all one right after eachother sometimes hitting the exact same muscle group.

    I'd go like this:

    Week 1: all 3 x 10

    *bent over barbell row

    *Cable lat pull down (alternate days with standard wide grip and a small narrow grip)

    *Wide cable row (can alternate days with narrow)

    *Dumbbell rows - try and separate the movement of your arm and your scapula. Begin the row by retracting the scapula and letting that move your arm into position. Once the scapula is fully retracted, then pull. You'll feel a HUGE difference.

    *Reverse flys with DB or freemotion cables. If you use cables, the opposite hand goes to each cable, you start with your hands slightly crossed in the middle, then keeping your arms locked at ~ 160 degrees fly your arms back and retract your scapula together. this one is murder with a good cable machine and you can't do much weight. Slightly bent over DB reverse flys are a good substitute though.

    Week 2: do 3 x 8 + 10% to every weight. 50 lbs will become 55 lbs, etc. round up or down depending on how you feel

    Week 3: do 3 x 5 + (week 2 + 15%) to each weight. it's going to feel easy, but you'll feel it the next day.

    Next week: Back to 3 x 10, only now add 5% or so more to your initial week 1 weights.

    standard undulating periodization stuff but it's done me and a lot of clients well, I always had strength and size gains, able to go up in weight every 3 weeks.

  11. i did the most difficult core exercise i've ever tried tonight. dumbell pushups combined with one-arm rows while holding yourself up with the other arm and your core. wanted to die.

    That's a pretty decent exercise, but is it seriously the hardest core exercise you've tried? If your gym has some free motion machines I can tell you some more wicked stuff.

    edit: random fun exercise for the day: Pushups with a stability ball and an upside-down BOSU ball. Hands go on the handles of the BOSU, one toe goes on the top of the stability ball, the other leg is straight but slightly raised so it doesn't touch the ball. Good for the chest, dynamic stabilizers, and core, but more importantly it's a fun progression of pushups and people will think you're goddamn superman.

    edit: this says it better than me, except one leg should be totally off the ball. After you do one set on one leg, switch legs. When you first start, not falling off will kill your obliques, but it will get relatively easy in a few days.


    if you're too much of a badass for a wide grip and it's easy as pie, try using a diamond shaped hand position in the center of the BOSU ball instead. Never quite got that far.

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