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Posts posted by Eason

  1. prior to training. and those ones that use a "pulse" are not accurate at all. stick with calipers and/or hydrostatic bodyfat testing

    I'm not sure what my bodyfat is.. I've been told by people and the range is 6-10%

    I feel like Hydrostatic is the most accurate. I did a bod-pod test in my kinesiology lab and it told me I was at 17% or something. Calipers and BIA put me between 8.6 and 12%.

  2. ^So by squatting..... I can get bigger arms?

    When you work a muscle group, you get a growth hormone response. The bigger the muscle group, the bigger the GHR, and the more gains you can make from one session, in theory. The legs are the biggest muscle group in the body, so if you work them in the same session as another muscle group, you'll get more gains there.

  3. Um...yeah (unless we're talking dumbbells per arm, then no)

    my bad. corrected

    for some reason I didn't think at all about two handed curls... I always called them barbell curls so I figured you must have been talking about single handed. That would be pretty impressive.

  4. Yet another question on my 9 year-old girl chest.

    I've read that when doing chest exercises, you can often compensate with your arms and shoulders, and not really focus the weight on your chest muscles specifically. Is there any way to avoid this? I find after doing chest work, my arms hurt the next day, but not so much my chest. Will this change once I actually start developing more muscle?

    I am confus-ed. :confused:

    ps - doing 3 chest exercises mainly - flat presses, inclined, declined, etc. I work on my chest twice a week, Tuesdays & Fridays. One day I use a straight barbell, the other I use dumbless.

    It just means your arms are being stressed more. Are your arms especially weak? Use strict technique, and soon enough it should level off and you'll be able to focus on the chest. So yes, it should change, but if it doesn't after a month or so then something is wrong with your workout.

  5. Upright rows, I'm reading mixed reviews as to whether they're a good thing or not. I'm not using a MASSIVE amount of weight (like 25kg or so for higher reps) but I've read they can f up your shoulders.


    They're okay as long as you don't bring your humerus above parallel with your shoulders. That's how you can impinge your biceps in your shoulder and it's very, very bad.

  6. What are some other good core exercises I can do with just a mat? The gym at my school has none of those balls or anything useful.

    Leg lifts, dead bug legs (look them up along with core performance) bicycles, V-ups, swim kicks, glute bridges...

  7. Not sure if I want to do muay thai today or just do some compound lifts...

    When you guys do deadlift, do you lift the weight, then lower it a little and drop it? That's what I do and it makes lots of noise
    Hell no, bend your knees on the last rep if you can't let it down normally.
  8. Planks are good as an initial core exercise. Just make sure your back is flat, no sagging of the hips allowed. Try planks raising one arm for 15 seconds, then the other arm, and so on for 2 minutes. Do it without twisting your body or changing your form at all to compensate for the lost point of contact.

  9. why the fuck are situps so hard for me?

    my whole upper body is much more developed than the rest of my body with the exception of my thighs.

    how are you guys working on your abs?

    You probably have weak hip flexors. Do decline crunches with different speeds and angles to work the abs.

  10. That sounds like a fine idea. I'm only 5'11 and I think you're taller, so I might get a gorilla thing, but whose going to tell a gorilla that he's got stupidly long arms for his body? Nobody, that's who.

  11. I have mild scoliosis and it makes my shoulders different heights and my traps different sizes, would it fuck me up to do shrugs at different weights on each side to even the traps out?

    Kind of, since you'd be putting a greater load on one side of your body than the other. Don't fuck around asking about this on the internet though, talk to a PT.

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