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gas prices kill

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Posts posted by gas prices kill

  1. So I've been chasing this local girl for quite a bit now. The lowdown with her is that she's extremely beautiful but she's got more than her fair share of skeletons in her closet. More importantly, her ex of about 5 years lives really fucking close to me (who also treated her incredibly bad). So I've been showing this girl a good ass time for the past few weeks. Last night in particular was an especially good night.

    Suffice to say, I must say that I've experienced a cock block most foul in the form of a communication from said ex. The fucking asshole shoots her a text saying "I'll always love you." She gives me a call, bawling and completely bugging out saying shit like "I hate how he does this to me when I'm happy with you." So now, said girl is twisted and is asking for some "alone time." Cock block most fucking foul.

    Sometimes I need to realize that 99% of women are conniving whores from the deepest and most foul loins of satan.

  2. I had some Purple Master Kush given to me by some family.

    Shit is mad potent; I felt like more of an active high instead of couch lock.

    High as fuck for a minute but still functional. May even say that this is my favorite yet.

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