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gas prices kill

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Posts posted by gas prices kill

  1. Like azn8oi said, you must confront him about or suffer the consequences.

    I had a roommate who was a friend of mine and he constantly used my cookware without saying a damn word to me. To make things worse, he would leave the cookware unclean in front of the sink and not tell me a damn thing. A few days pass and I'm quickly fed up. I told him immediately that I wasn't down with how he was using my cookware and not cleaning it. He thought he'd done nothing wrong, and stupidly denied that such a thing was happening. Some people are idiots and you just need to tell them.

    All things aside, good luck with your roommate endeavors.

  2. Its because everyday a girl is born and groomed by those around her to have little to no substance. It seems nowadays women live to impress and outdo other women rather than developing unique and personal interests. In los angeles atleast, women are constantly trying to fabricate an image of themselves that attracts adoration and recognition for seemingly doing nothing but looking and speaking cute. The goal is to get a "hot and successful" guy but for no purpose other than showing other women that she can get a "hot and successful" guy. He can treat her like dirt and make her feel like cold lumpy shit, but as long as that image is fulfilled and other women envy her she will not question the relationship.

    Like eddie griffin once said, "what ever happened to falling in love with a nigga with a bus pass?"

    Amazing, +rep.

    I've transferred to a different uni and it starts today. I hope to meet at least one woman with at least some integrity and substance today. Apart from that, I hope I just go in and learn something.

  3. you dont know how all these suckers are followin ME around and hatin, mind your own damn business, now you're just another person gettin in the middle of it and dont know the half, i dont give a fuck what you think, thanks


    Chill the fuck OUT and stop shitting up this thread you fucking reject.

  4. I just came back from a 6-day trip in Las Vegas, celebrating two friends' 21st birthdays. I haven't felt this tired in a very long time.

    I do miss the ~140 hours of weed, alcohol, and debauchery.

    All that's left is for school to start :(

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