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gas prices kill

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Posts posted by gas prices kill

  1. ayo,

    here's the lowdown on ucr:

    it's hot most of the year. there isn't much to do out there; there is really only one club to go to (sevillas), and most of the time that shit is wack and filled with some of the worst that the inland empire has to offer. most of the time, you have to rely on house parties to have a good time. in terms of food and shit, there isn't much to offer in the way of mom and pop joints, as more restaurants there are chains. depending on your major and who you kick it with, you could either have a great time or you could be bored as fuck all the time. i always found myself driving out of riverside all the way out to the OC or even LA to have anything remotely interesting to do. in terms of bitches, sure there's a variety, but the most attractive ones are usually taken/ taken up by the lame ass frats on campus.

    suffice to say: ucr is not that bad. it really depends on what you make of it. BUT, i highly suggest that you transfer out.

  2. I hate being led on for the fact that it brings out many insecurities and inadequacies that I try my hardest to hide. Even after wiping my hands clean of the entire situation, the feelings still linger.

    Note to self: don't ever give a girl too much credit.

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