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Posts posted by jhey

  1. Another Hedi sketch. I just loved the picture. Watercolour/ pen/ moleskine -- 15min

    Only 15 minutes? Nice.

    I made these sneakers, they still need to be touched up, and im going to add a new tongue tag..

    The green lace in the front is just to show what other laces it has, I don't wear em like that.



    Removed the plastic stripes




    Hot pink camo, and new laces


    Selvedge denim added (laces and liner actually same color as sole)






    Thanks for looking

  2. Jhey, the fit sucks. The shoes, are fine ( only thing that is fine in the picture), in that picture, the jeans are a bit big for my tastes, but each to his own. That bape shirt is horriable, your a walking ad. your stance, and facial expression though is what kills the picture. Not to mention the earrings and your haircut. It just makes you look like a douche bag that no one would want to talk to.

    Oh yea not to mention that clown thats next to you, really is an eye sore.

    I don't have earrings.

  3. PICT1524.jpg


    Skull 5010xx

    Vans Prison Issue

    Alex + Chloe. What am I, the 6th person to get this necklace? It's awesome.

    Your fits are always perfect. Every article of clothing goes so well together, and your shirts and pants are always perfectly fitting.



  4. i've been wanting a fedora for a while.

    finally decided to get one.

    i like these two (dude to price, looks and versatily, since they are "crushable")



    they both retail for about 30 dollars and the only difference i think is the top of the hats and the feather. anyone have any input or other recomendations?

    I like the first one better, the pinched one doesn't look right to me. Also if you want a feather you can just put one in the other hat.

  5. Hey, I have a 100% cotton shirt that I only want to shrink a little bit. When I shrink my clothes, they always end up with different shapes that dont set right on me. How can I shrink my shirt without getting a weird shaped result? Thanks.

    And please dont joke around telling me to do something that will ruin my shirt, I don't want this shirt to be ruined.

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