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Posts posted by jhey

  1. I'm not going to lie and say im the most outgoing person ever...When I first meet people, I don't say much because I try to just get a feel for their sense of humor and personality first. Once I chill with new people for a while I'm fine. You don't want to make a black or cock joke to someone who doesn't find that kind of shit funny. I kind of want to meet some of you, I just don't know who.

  2. hahahahahhhHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

    read the package buddy...

    I cant find the shoe goo anymore, but when I had it, my parents were complaining about the smell, and I slept with the good sneaker still in my room.


    I'm ok though.

  3. What's so bad about it? I know it smells and it's one of those things you shouldnt breathe in, but is that it? I fixed a shoe and I kept it in my room for days and it made my whole house smell like bad things.

  4. One of my best friends went to the phillipines on july 5th, and he was supposed to come back in time for school, and on august 11th. I got a little worried, but I managed to get a hold of him on myspace today. He told me that he will be coming back next summer. I'm so confused. He's going to be gone for another year, and it's going to be mad weird without him.

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