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Posts posted by jhey

  1. As far as the fit goes, I don't see anything wrong. In the pics the black denim against the black tongues on the sneakers makes the jordans look weird (unless they are tucked in, who gives a fuck either way). I'm sure at a different angle it would look normal.

  2. The only shit that doesnt go together is a major shoe brand with another major shoe brand.









    I'm sure theres a lot more combinations that don't work, but this just annoys me.

  3. uhhhhh. L-O-L at everything that has ever happened in this thread.

    Guys if you are ending up in here every day, stop posting fits. It's really not that hard. That's what I did and i'm fine now (to my knowledge). Also, these nigs are just trying to help you faggots.

    Just get it over with. Denial blah blah this forum is ___ waa waa "well I have better clothes I swear." A lot of you will say who the fuck am I to speak but whether my fits suck now or not this place helps a lot.

    This is mostly aimed at that bitch kid on his floor. It's funny picturing you mad.

  4. You can offer me a diamond-plated pearl;

    You can send me all the riches in the world;

    You can tempt me with the palaces of kings;

    I'd give 'em back in a big ol' sack and keep the simple things

    I've got the simple things; I've got the rain in spring,

    Got spicy chicken wings, and French-fried onion rings

    You can line me up a mile of limousines;

    For me it don't add up to a hill o' beans;

    I got no hankerin' for grabbin' your brass ring;

    It's crystal clear - I'll stay right here and keep the simple things

    I've got the summer breeze, got 16 cans of peas,

    A two-speed window fan when it's 93 degrees,

    So forgive me for not grabbin' your brass ring;

    It's crystal clear - I'll stay right here and keep the simple things

  5. why the fuck is full house so cheese? DJ didnt cook the turkey enough and it was frozen so bob saget put it back in the oven but didnt tell DJ because he didnt want DJ to think that she let her dead mom down but then bob saget ended up fucking the chicken up and it was on fire and black and burnt and then stephanie was like AT LEAST WE HAVE THE PI--- about to say pie and then it looks like she purposely dropped the fuckin pie on the ground stephanie says WELL I RUINED THE PIE and she runs up the clunky ass stairs and then DJ says AND I RUINED THE TORKEY and her dumpy ass snakes stephanie up the stairs and then bob saget says ILL GO TALK TO DJ and dave coulier says ILL GO TALK TO STEPHANIE but there was a bottle stuck to his tongue so it came out funny as fuck and then john stamos was like NO ILL TALK TO HER shows over roll credits end.

    fuck it.



  6. Bobby Hundreds- Shut up please. Stop trying to preach to us about everything. No one cares how hardcore you are, or who you grew up with or who you listened to.

    I don't know who the fuck you think you are making those little banana yellow bomb hats that kids think are limited. Go on hypebeast, and apologize to them right now. I think I speak for a great amount of people when I say I'm sick of your bullshit.

    ThE HuNdREds is HuuuuuGe!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!1!??

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