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Posts posted by jhey

  1. Hrmm..I'm worried that my skulls will not be worth the money. I have been seeing ones after one month that look like 1 year jeans. I am scared that mine will be done within a year, maybe even earlier. Faster fading means shorter life of the denim? If anyone can help me out on this issue, it would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.

  2. At first when I looked at them, I honestly said, "Better, but not a huge improvement". But when you said that they're quite tight on you, I was trying to think why they looked weird. It's definitely because of the excessive stacking See, if you were like 6' or something, the fit would be fine. But the way you're wearing them now makes your legs look tiny and stubby. It's such an easy solution--just cuff them once or twice. You can still stack, just njot so much. I think once you cuff those jeans will look really fucking good.

    By the way, I'm absolutely loving the 32s you sold me. They have officially replaced my KMW 1980s as my favorite jeans!

    Yeah I agree, but I don't think i'm gonna get them hemmed. I'm definately gonna grow, so I don't want to have short jeans in the long run.

  3. The new fit is much better man, though I'd say the insane amount of stacking makes you look so much shorter. Cuff those beasts. But again the fit on the waist contours to your body much better. Maybe some clearer pics would change my mind about the stacking though, it's a bit hard to tell.

    By the way, I'm absolutely loving the 32s you sold me. They have officially replaced my KMW 1980s as my favorite jeans!

    hahaha, i'm glad you like them! It's not the pic, the inseams are just really too long for me. Thanks for the input.

  4. wdywt19wm7.jpg

    why even post...?

    some random tee that someone can pick up from Hot Topic...gap jeans and jordans...? atleast make it look nice...

    Hey. My brother got me that shirt when he saw the Misfits. Please shut the fuck up.

    Also, regarding the other picture, I did not photoshop it. I'm 15, not 12 or 9.

    You guys seriously need to chill out. It's so bad that when I talk back to you guys I get a warning from a mod whining that i'm insulting the other members.

    :( stawp it jhey :(

  5. Hey. So, you know those horrible jeans made by Girbaud, if i'm correct? The ones with the velcro or something on the legs, that a lot of people have? My question is, what would attract someone to buying those? I doubt anyone here has them, but can someone explain this? They don't even look good for dirtbag jeans.

    edit: I found a picture


  6. So, I sold those, and I just ordered the 31s. I did some rough math, and it will equal just about the same as the first time i tried on the 32s, which looked nothing at all like they did after I kept wearing them. It was much slimmer and a perfect fit in my opinion.

    I'm real excited for these new ones. I wish it wasn't so hot out though. :(

  7. do i look disgustingly fat? what do you think my waist measurement is base on this pics?:D :D :D



    Yo you're not fat at all. You are normal size, and everyone else on here (more like 90%) is just amazingly scrawny. They think a size 32 is fat.:confused: Seriously that's disgusting, and they need to have a burger.

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