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Posts posted by robbie

  1. Some post wash pictures. If you notice the blue shirt, that is the white shirt I was wearing this afternoon. Needless to say these mofo's bled like a stuck pig. That being said they are as dark as ever.


    I am a terrible photographer, but here is a shot of the front post wash.427875_10150681493366835_508016834_9836766_602912471_n.jpg


    the combs are sort of there.

  2. everyone else is way ahead of me, can't really get away with wearing 2 pairs of pants to work anymore...


    So I took matters into my own hands and decided it was time these chinos got a working. I went ahead and mowed, and edged the yard and our back alley.


    Found this stuff, there goes the neighborhood I guess*


    But after that trauma I managed to get the grass mowed.

    * -- it is hemp, or 'ditchweed'. :D

    I think if a person was really hard up they could probably smoke it, but it grows all over apparently, and the city and state come by and spray for it quite a bit.



    some shots of the front and back before i tossed them into the washing machine for a little bath.

  3. tumblr_m2631x2v6s1qd5balo1_500.jpg

    We went to visit my Grandparents yesterday. It’s hard when your grandparents get older. This could very well be the last time I get to spend any time with my Grandmother. Although that part of it was very sad, it was so great to be with them and to see her. My grandparents mean a lot to me. Growing up we’d visit them or they’d visit us pretty often. They’ve been married almost 62 years. It’s amazing to me, 62 years! They love each other so much.

    I took more pictures of our weekend in Oklahoma, but they don't really make any kind of sense.

  4. Surly-- did you make it to any shows during SXSW?

    How about anyone else?

    about to have a big update, it's finally warm enough here to start in on yard work. All the flower beds need dug, and 'hopefully' we'll be planting cukes, tomatoes, peppers, dill,... . It's just so hard to tell here in NE. It's still only March, but it's been in the mid to upper 80s all last week. We've gotten major snow storms as late as May though so it's so hard to tell. We want to get stuff in the ground for our land lords. They planted stuff for us when we moved in last summer, and we'll be moving out mid summer so we want stuff to be here for whoever moves in after we're gone.

    In other news, the pants I have been wearing over my Left Fields are slowly falling apart.

    Here is a pick of the damage


    Done with cheap dickies! never buying another pair again so long as I live.

  5. Hey, it's working! Tried uploading all of this to the thread yesterday with no luck.


    Came home from work and made dinner for the wife and I. We had puffy tacos and all the trimmings.


    fresh pico de gallo


    an avocado dip my friend showed me. not as good as guacamole, but simple and quite tasty in a pinch.



    and a fit for good measure


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