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Posts posted by soonami

  1. I am really enjoying the D90. I like how it handles, color rendition, and low light sensitivity. The AF motor drive is nice when I'm using the 50/1.8 or 28-105/3.5-4.5. It's small and light enough with the 35/1.8 AF-S for me to carry with my everyday.

    The only gripes I have are that the video capabilities are weak, it's got that jello wiggling thing from the line-by-line scanning, and that the meter is prone to occaisionally over-expose in especially low light and direct sun.

    100 pounds is a considerable amount of money, but it might be worth it to call Nikon's customer service department to see what they say about purchasing it in Germany

  2. So long as the camera has Swedish as a language option (my D90 does) you can easily change the language in the Setup Menu. This should hold true no matter where you buy your camera.

    The only issue would be whether a Swedish Nikon dealer would honor the warranty or if you would have to send it back to Germany to get warranty work done on it.

  3. I would totally dig a cinch-back because of it's vintage look, possible functionality, and the interesting fades.

    Really it's just another really cool vintage detail like selvage coin pockets or crotch rivet that doesn't really make the jeans any better functionally, but it's just something else to look at before I put the jeans on every morning

  4. Contests are nice because you can get a jean for cheaper than normal retail, it's a more exclusive product and there are prizes.

    If you are not interested in a contest then don't participate.

    My vote would be for the 710 cut, but that's just because with my build, the full cuts just look really amorphous and goofy. 0500 as a back-up would be okay, but I would much prefer the 710 with LHT

  5. I paid for a pair of 710's yesterday, but they sold the last one in the store before the website updated so I missed out on them. So a Sammie contest would kill two birds with one stone.

    LHT would be very attractive to me. However, eternal contest would be fine just as long as they aren't the 811. I like the idea of a contest having a lesser known brand like Warehouse or JB or a truly unique concept *hint buckleback on a slim fit*

  6. Which model is this?

    Hows the Benchmade Tanto? not exactly ready to spend 100+ on a blade yet.

    As a kid i loved carrying a lighter and somewhat EDC stuff with me but never thought anything of it. Kinda cool to see specific EDC items made. #NeedaNitecore

    Btw just wanted to thank everyone in this thread, you guys have now added another money sucking interest to my life. Awesome shit tho.

    Benchmade 140Bk. My brother-in-law gave it to me like 5 years ago.

    The knife is very sharp and really holds an edge. It's very solid despite it's relative thinness. I don't use it very much in my daily life, but I like having it in my car instead I every need it. However, when I went backcountry camping this summer, it was very useful for heavy duty work compared to the dinky folding blades on my Leatherman Skeletool and Wave.

  7. For full internet approval pair with a vintage LL bean norwegian sweater.


    Quite accidentally,I wore that vest today, and thought about that sweater underneath, but it's not near cold enough yet, but here's a WAYWitF (what are you wearing in the future)


  8. Nice denim, soonami, but please dont tell me youre collecting/saving those beer bottles.


    The fuck you care? Most of those bottles have significant sentimental value, like Black Ops I got for my Birthday, or the Blind Pig, my friend sent me from Berkeley, or beer we've shared over the holidays, special trips etc.

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