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Posts posted by phen3N

  1. which of these do you guys like best? i'm finally ready to spend real money (>$150) on frames and would like some second opinions:


    Barton Perriera / Dudley

    usually not into the horn-rimmed style frames, but the half rim of these frames set it off



    Salt Optics / Mitch

    i've wanted clear or greyish-clear glasses forever. can't find oliver peoples riley in shadow grey, but these look almost identical




    John Lennon / JL309

    the John Lennon brand is p basic tbh, but these are a much cheaper and simpler version of the Savile Row frame that Steve Jobs made famous. those Jobs ones are actually too ornamental for my taste...


  2. Reallyy nice place, aeroplane. clean windows, nice floors, lots of sunlight. i love how your dog has a cave under the TV.


    but I'm not feeling the furniture arrangement, namely the two sofa chairs and two lounge chairs that are side-by-side. i think I remember learning an interior design rule stating that you should avoid having things in twos, whether it's chairs or artwork or whatever. not that rules need to be followed 100%, but it seems to be true in your case

  3. I wanna get into DJing and making mixes, do you guys think the APC40 is a decent tool for that? I don't know much about DJing yet, but i've seen it used during live sets (by groundislava and other dudes). I've always wanted to get one for production, so it would be nice if it could be used for DJing as well. also because I can't afford a traktor

  4. been experiencing the realest insomnia this past week. i'm regularly sleeping from 7am–2pm and it's affecting my health and work life... do any of you guys use sleep aids? i've tried melatonin, valerian root, herbal teas... none really helped much. i tried an OTC pill that has doxylamine, but it kinda worked too well—I slept for about 15 hrs and was still groggy afterwards

  5. I have a terrible procrastination problem. I'll have a whole weekend to get my work done for a Monday 10am deadline, and I'll start working on it at 12am on Monday (this has happened a few times this month). I'm freelancing full-time now, being my own boss, so this kinda behavior is totally unacceptable. I actually have a deadline in the morning and here I am on sufu...

  6. you guys ever try The Larchmont Burger? I went there a couple months ago because of this list. burger wasn't that memorable, but their other dishes were amazing (duck rillette)


    I also recently tried/liked Congregation Ale House in long beach, that was cheaper and less bougie/"gourmet"

  7. I like the concept of designing around H/O/D in this short doc. these guys, if you haven't heard, are in the middle of a lawsuit right now. I assume this was filmed before all that drama since they're all buddy-buddy

  8. Hair's getting unmanageable and i'm too lazy to find a cool hairstyle so i'm seriously considering shaving it all off. But i haven't had my hair that short since the 2nd grade so idk if I have a decent enough head shape to pull that off.  


    but maybe im just deluded into thinking it'l look good because of tween_spirit's fit  


    you'll never know until you try. I never buzzed my hair because I used to think I had a really odd shaped head, just based on feeling it with my hands. but I eventually said fuck it and buzzed it all off with a #1 and people actually gave me complements saying it suits me. I grew it out again cuz I'm tryna be professional and job-having, but damn that was the most comfortable hairstyle ever.

  9. good question, and something we're slowly answering ourselves (the company used to be a general design agency, this is only the 2nd year as a dedicated BRAND design agency). any new company would love to hire an agency to design it's logo, identity, etc, but they usually can't afford it. if the startup has gone through a round of funding, they're usually very happy to spend some of that on branding. Our services are decently popular, especially because design has become such a hot topic within the startup world... it's just a matter of whether they can afford to hire a legit agency instead of their friend/brother/cousin who knows photoshop

  10. i graduated with a design degree (media/graphic/web/etc) in 2010 and went on the hunt for agency work, but besides a four month internship at a product design firm, it was a struggle to find any legit jobs. an old friend from middle/high school eventually offered me a job at his car dealership and i jumped on board immediately—being an in-house creative director seemed better than an intern or jr position at an agency. I've been at the company for ~20 months now and gained a ton of experience so far: creating a brand, dealing with vendors, art directing freelancers... basically having creative freedom and a decent-sized budget. but in the end, i've been working in a silo—i'm the one creative in a team of four. the quality and efficiency of my work is plateauing because I'm only getting feedback from salesmen and GMs (who i really enjoy working with but really are in a different mindset, professionally). 


    all of this, plus the drama of mixing work with friends, plus the fact that i can't ever see myself engaging with "car culture" although i really do appreciate them as design objects, is why i'm going back on the job hunt... I'm leaving my current position as creative director to go find an entry-level job at a design agency, preferably branding or web. it's really sad to leave a company that i was so deeply rooted in, but i feel like i'm back on the right career path. currently preparing my resume and portfolio; applying this week; hopefully getting hired in october..

    i should prob just copy paste this all into my cover letter


    update on wtf i'm doing w my life:


    so I got hired at the end of october at a really great brand design agency for a three month internship. It was exactly the kind of work I wanted to be doing, at exactly the kind of company I wanted to work for (small, flat, no team-building activity bullshit). I got to be as close to the CEO as any other employee and we built a legit professional relationship; I don't know many companies where an intern could get this kind of attention from the company's owner.


    The three months are officially up as of last week, but there's not enough work at the company for me to get hired fulltime—even though my boss really does like my work. We had a talk yesterday and figured a way to continue collaborating: I'm gonna be working part time while he helps me setup MY OWN brand design agency! Basically I'll be getting all the clients that want to hire his company but can't afford it. I'm suuper excited and also really scared— he already warned me that I'm gonna be failing/falling a lot during the beginning of the "experiment"(as we're calling it). This is an insanely perfect opportunity for me because I've always wanted to start an agency, but was too daunted by the process of acquiring clients, writing contracts, all that logistic owning-a-business stuff that I've always been deathly afraid of. But I realized that I gotta suck it up and deal with that bullshit if I wanna have big ambitions... take the good with the bad, etc... 


    I'm thinking of a company name now and starting to build the website later this week... wish me luck  :mellow2:

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