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Posts posted by Anton

  1. s

    chilies are acidic, right? acid + base = pwn

    I took a few teaspoons of vinegar and swished it around. sour taste, but the pain went away in seconds. I wished I had thought of it earlier.

    And then Vinegar was an acid and grade 8 science came and fucked you in the ass like a pervy gym teacher that you found using the showers before class.

    The 'spice' is soluable in an acid though, vinegar does work. Lemonaide is what the ticket is.

    Also in Thai cooking they just use Sugar when they add ridiculous amounts of chiles to something. It's hot but it doesn't linger quite as long. Before I just sucked it up and started eating a lot of spicy foods I'd either eat quickly, drink lots of water/beer, or slam a spoon of granulated sugar(or baking if it was readily available-dissolves faster) when it got really bad.

  2. mmmm insomniacccc


    im pretty i jus found out that i am lactose intolerant even though i love milk and all things that go with it.

    i am intolerant to the degree where it upsets my stomach slightly... im kinda sad.

    Dude that's rough, enjoy more cultured milk, Chocolate milkis easier than real milk too. Or just carry acidophilous around with you (but it's got to stay pretty cool when in the capsules) and take it whenever you injest milk.

    Or join the basketball team at your highschool.

  3. ^Brad Pitt (user, not celeb) got those. their ridiculous.

    i bought a ruffled shirt, like the one in the seinfeld episode that jerry wears, for $3 at a thrift shop like 2 years ago. its been hanging in my closet, slowly gathering dust. i might bust it out for halloween. it was sorta bought in jest, but for some reason i thought it would be the shit at the time..

    wear for a waywt.

    Yeah Tomorrow

  4. Going with Skidder unless you sit on rocks and sandpaper a lot. Take5 has cooler pocket bags too, so if you want to cuff down your waist-band and low ride to show off your kissy lip boxers you can flip out your pockets and look (suspectedly) 'eben mo' badass.

    n the pricing on those two probibibably doesn't match up

  5. me and mah homie didit a homeproject sorta shits

    in the process of opening the RIT dye package, we basically dyed my kitchen blue. note to everyone, do not open the package indoors if you're an idiot.

    we dyed three tees (two by accident though, we wanted gradients but failed), redyed a pair of cheap mondays, and overdyed a green military jacket.



    here's a before of the jacket





    (we tried to do gradient style shit, but they got all FUCKED in the wash.






    my tees got all fucked up in the wash, they were supposed to have black to white gradients, but turned a grey colour (really like the colour though)

    my cheap mondays are nice and BLACK (a success)

    friend's tshirt got fucked a little, turned a brown/yellow/green colour

    friend's mil jacket turned dark dark green with black stitching (cool, but not what we were aiming for)


    We need to Urea the jacket/shirt and dye them again. also lrn2takepics4serious cockfag.

  6. My last post was a lie, all I ever got to play with was my cat and the outdoors. Sometimes I'd find a stick that looked like a gun and hit shit with it. I like to think that I am the way I am because of sticks shaped like guns and the onomatopea og brr and wiz.

    Also one time me and my friend bought gemstone rings and pretended they gave us elemental control. We also stole his brothers plastic coloured men that lived in a cookie box and colour co-ordinated them- thusly dividing them into the power structure of manly coulours and girly colours- into good (blue, green, orange, blood red and lightblue if they were cool like the ice one) and girl colours like pink and the other shade of pink (except for the cyber-punk one).

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