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Posts posted by Anton

  1. Thanks.

    Currently running 46x16. Ive had that on my Pista, so I put the same set up on my Pake. Thought about going 48x18. Might do that before I leave.

    Bought some Black Deda drops today in San Ramone... I really wish I had another frame so I could just fuck around with builds...

    Checked out a Swobo (sp?) Sanchez(?) today... Weird ass frame, but I dig it, sort of...

    So tired, had to jam to work forday and my legs died on me...

    do you climb hills with that 46x16, Jan?

    46x17 I climb all the hills, downhills are fuckin sketch though.


    here's the light:



    I was thinking, and I bet the white plastic makes for a brighter light as it reflects the light diffused into it instead of absorbing it like black plastic would.

    White is played imo.

  2. i think you mean back mounting system? it does come with one. it's in the little container that's part of the box. and it's easy to remove from back mount, too, so niggas won't jack yo shit.

    price is on the box. i probably could've gotten it for cheaper. it was kind of an impulse buy. shop employee was like "yeah, these are pretty damn bright. a personal favorite."

    and those be some REAL scraper bikes, yo!

    No I mean that the mounting system is White on those, not black.

  3. I request someone start a Don thread, but they got to be South Korean so it's authentic, (else I would do it).

    I loves me a good don, it's like eating a rainbow of fuckin flavour.

  4. needed a new rear tire and a light, so i hit up my LBS today:



    OMFG A BLINKY SUPERFLASH? yo throw down for reaaal.

    I like the Turtles for the back, they are easier to take off - but I like taking them off and having them in my pocket when I'm not riding. If the blinky superflash had a black mounting system I'd have considered it a lot higher.

    How much did you pay by the way? We've got this place in Western Canada called Mountain Equipment Co-op, and Planet bike shit is really cheap there... everything is really cheap there, but they can get planet bike shit. IE that light is for sale like 16 CAD after tax.

  5. i think the picture of diamonds eating* at that chinese restaurant for vancouver meetup was so kyoot. (or am i confusing the TO and Vanc. meetups??)

    in any event, diamonds, do u know how to use chopsticks?

    *without actual pics of food in his mouth, we can only assume that he was just "hanging out" while others ate.

    Diamonds has never been to Toronto. he can use small chopsticks, but the ones at the Pho place we go to are huge and made out of the shit they make knitting needles out of so they slippery as fuck.

  6. aside from Pho Hoa, i heard that Lee Noodle House in San Jose had it going on, esp. their Gon Lo Meen (which is quite possibly my favorite noodle dish)...

    We have a Pho Hoa here too... we should map the corrolation. Apparently Pho' Vi is better though so I always go there.

  7. One thing for sure, there is no such thing as smooth pavement around here.

    Get some rollers? Make sure your seatpost to a height where your feet rise and push down at right angles. The burn should be in your shins. There's also trying a lower gear ratio. I'd start by getting someone to tell you if your stroke looks good seatpostXcrank length. Then get rollers if the burn really is too much for you.

  8. Anyone want to come over and take pictures of my bike for me? all my friends with cameras are "photographers". I think if I did it myself it would just be pics examplifying how clean it is.

  9. Good way to get them started, Chatty Puma..traveling is the best you can do...

    I've always wanted to organise a "break in your raw denim pilgrimige" - 6 weeks of walking....maybe one day I get to break free from work and I'll do it...so stay tuned for a DENIM PILGRIMIGE THREAD .

    Diamonds was going to take me camping but then his warehouses didn't fit.

  10. Like I know any of their names.

    Fake breasts scare me though, so none of them.

    I like the ones with natural hair colour, and that use sparing amounts of makeup.

    Uhm, also the ones with standards as to which guys they will do, I hate watchign ugly guys get it just cause they are mutants of the crotch and can keep it rigid for 3 days.

    I also don't like the ones that fake it.

  11. Like I know any of their names.

    Fake breasts scare me though, so none of them.

    I like the ones with natural hair colour, and that use sparing amounts of makeup.

    Uhm, also the ones with standards as to which guys they will do, I hate watchign ugly guys get it just cause they are mutants of the crotch and can keep it rigid for 3 days.

    I also don't like the ones that fake it.

  12. Oven cleaner would do... it also removes anodizing though so... your rims migh tend up really shiny, but have nothing to protect them from scratches (so spray them with clear coat or something after).

    and for what I was going to post,

    Any Fixed gear riders or just knowledgable riders in Vancouver Canada willing to reccomend me a few bike shops to go to on my trip there in hopes of getting the rest of what I need for my bike to be done!...

    The list

    -Some threadless stem that doesn't look like a pile of shit (thinking Thomson or Nitto)

    -Cranks... (I've recently heard the Sugino Messengers suck and they were my first option, courier I know has broken 3 sets so far but I am not sure if that was Messenger Zens or Messengers, the bolt spacing is probably not worth the hassle.. I just really don't want a 3 ring crank when I am only going to use 1)

    -Bracket.. whatever fits the crank and gives me a straight chain line

    -Wheelset... It would be good to know a store that has some nice fixed gear back wheels all built and true'd aswell as a good likelyhood of getting a front wheel to match (also already made up, I'm only there for 2 days tops) but I'd also be ok with just any Weinmann/Velocity retailer that could set me up with some black sealed Formulas.

    -Soma doublestraps, and straps. (because I am crazy enough to get on a fixed gear, but too surviavalist to run single straps.

    I just really want to get past the bullshit here in Vic.

    I talk to much, me and Diamonds are probably in Vancouver this week(end) though if someone wants to be our guide or just have 'fun' with us. I'll feed you, probably, if you put up with me in Van and keep me alive.

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